
hour_of_powerKenneth E. Behring, philanthropist and founder of the non-profit Wheelchair Foundation, appeared April 18 for the second time with Reverend Robert A. Schuller on the television program “Hour of Power,” broadcast from the Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, CA.

Mr. Behring first met Reverend Schuller a year ago when he visited the Crystal Cathedral. The two have since traveled together to participate in wheelchair distributions around the world.

“I was very honored to appear on the “Hour of Power” at the Crystal Cathedral with Dr. Schuller,” said Mr. Behring.  “Our messages are similar as we both are trying to help people and give hope to people throughout the world.”

The Wheelchair Foundation was established in 2000 with a grant from the Kenneth E. Behring Foundation.  Since its inception, it has delivered more than 225,000 wheelchairs in over 120 countries, with a goal of delivering one million wheelchairs in the next five years.

“When I interviewed him here last year, I discovered the tremendous need that the world has for wheelchairs,” said Reverend Schuller during Sunday’s broadcast.  “It is of epidemic proportions, but today there is somebody doing something about it.”

People with physical disabilities throughout the world require the use of a wheelchair for many reasons including accidents, birth defects, war injuries, debilitating diseases and advanced age.  An estimated 100 to 150 million physically disabled people worldwide need wheelchairs, though less than 1 percent own or have access to one.

Experts predict that individuals who need a wheelchair worldwide will increase by 22 percent in the next 10 years, with the greatest need existing in developing countries.

The Wheelchair Foundation and its partners are working to help ease the burden of those in need.

CLICK HERE to view the Hour of Power video clip

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