Wheelchair Foundation World Headquarters

Mailing Address:
3820 Blackhawk Road
Danville, California 94506, USA

Call Us Toll-Free: (877) 378-3839
North America: (925) 736-8234
FAX: (925) 648-0163

E-mail (General Inquiries*): info@wheelchairfoundation.org

*Please note: Wheelchair Foundation is unable to fulfill requests for single wheelchairs. Our Wheelchairs are custom built, ordered and shipped in bulk (in quantities of from 110 to 280 wheelchairs) as containerized freight to different areas of the world. We collaborate with foreign entities to coordinate local, domestic distribution as specified by our donors. We are occasionally granted funds for local distribution of wheelchairs within the San Francisco Bay Area, and Northern California. Wheelchair Foundation Florida is also occasionally granted funds for local distribution in the Fort Lauderdale area, and within the State of Florida.


Wheelchair Foundation International Headquarters

3820 Blackhawk Road
Danville, California 94506 USA
Telephone: (925) 736-8234
Toll Free – North America (877) 378-3839
Fax: (925) 648-0163
Email: info@wheelchairfoundation.org

Wheelchair Foundation Florida

Scott Ford: sford@wheelchairfoundation.org

Rotary District 6960 Wheelchair Foundation Co-Chairs Gary Dworkin & Jim Fabry
13055 Pond Apple Drive, East
Naples, FL  34119-8563
​Gary’s Phone Number: (603)631-2605
Jim’s Phone Number: (760)470-1687
Gary Dworkin Email: gsd@dworkin.com
Jim Fabry Email: jimfabry22@gmail.com

Wheelchair Foundation China

Christine Zhu: czhu@gnhd.org

Room 501, Building 10
600 North Shaanxi Road
Shanghai, China
Postal Code: 200041
Telephone: +86 21 60937854