

“Without the help and care of the Wheelchair Foundation and the Shuangliu County Disabled Persons’ Federation, I’m afraid that I would spend the rest of my life in the bed and never go out.” ,“I am so appreciative that the Wheelchair Foundation and Shuangliu County DPF provided me with a wheelchair to give me mobility. Now I really feel that life is great again .”…… These words are the inner confessions from the bottom of the heart from Zheng Wen Bin, a disabled 90-year-old woman living in Shuangliu County, Chengdu City.

image001In 2009, Zheng Wen Bin lost her walking function for age and infirmity as well as lost her eyesight more ten years ago due to an eye disease. She can only sleep in bed and wait for her children’s care. Zheng Wen Bin moaned and groaned all day long and lost the confidence of life in that she considers herself as a heavy burden of her children.

As soon as getting word about Zheng Wen Bin’s situation, the Shuangliu County DPF sent the missionary to her family to console and comfort her. Besides that, a new wheelchair was given to Zheng Wen Bin as a courage of life. Sitting in the wheelchair, Zheng Wen Bin gave thanks to the missionary repeatedly with her eyes full of moving tears.

In 2009, with the support of the Chengdu Disabled Persons’ Federation and the Wheelchair Foundation, the Shuangliu County DPF has distributed 130 wheelchairs to the disabled in total.