

Wheelchair Foundation would like to thank everyone who purchased tickets and participated in our one-millionth wheelchair distribution celebration Wheelchairs Around the World, on Saturday, June 13th at the beautiful Blackhawk Museum in Danville, California.

The event sold out, and those 550 supporters and friends in attendance got treated to a spectacular evening featuring traditional dance from four continents, fine food and wine and truly heartfelt appreciation for the accomplishment of delivering one million wheelchairs to individuals in need of mobility in more than 155 countries around the world.

The audience witnessed an emotional interview with Wheelchair Foundation Founder and CEO, Kenneth E. Behring, in which he recounted the origin of his inspiration to “attempt what had never been done,” and how a simple gift of a wheelchair changed him and led him to a life of purpose.

The highlight of the evening occurred when longtime supporter Mr. Ken Hofmann stood up and pledged one million dollars for wheelchairs for Latin America, to kick start the distribution of our second million wheelchairs. Mr. Hofmann’s generous act prompted others, resulting in nearly $1.7 million in donations from attendees of the event.

Thank you to everyone involved in this joyous evening!

This set of photos by Rachel Capil Photography

These photos by Cindy Hegger Photography

This story borrowed and re-published in full  from the KTVU Channel 2 News Website

Thanks to you, our donors, we were able to provide mobility to these veterans that served in WWII during their trip to Washington D.C on an “Honor Flight”.

SAN FRANCISCO — Bay Area World War II veterans who took an “honor flight” to see the war memorial in Washington, D.C. arrived back home Sunday. Families held flags and signs at San Francisco International Airport for an emotional reunion with their veterans.

“My dad is legally blind, legally deaf, he’s an amputee, he’s had two heart surgeries and he’s got lung cancer – so he’s living on borrowed time,” said Janice Lopez. The Fremont Firefighters Union had raised $30,000 to send the 30 veterans to see the war memorial before it’s too late. Some of the firefighters went on the trip to chaperon the veterans.

WWII veterans return home from Honor Flight. Photo courtesy of KTVU Channel 2 News

WWII veterans return home from Honor Flight. Photo courtesy of KTVU Channel 2 News

World War II veteran Art Perry told KTVU the trip meant he was able to talk with people his age, who went through the same thing he did. “It made me feel really good having someone like that to talk to,” he said.

For some, the trip meant closure. Sgt. Art Perry was 22 years old when he served as an Army Sergeant in World War II. He hadn’t really talked about the war until now. “I think this is a long time coming,” said Perry’s daughter Dianne Madronio.

For others at the airport, the veterans return was a life lesson as they expressed their love and appreciation. “This is the greatest generation there was. They honored us; they wouldn’t let us honor them,” said Ray Wilkenson with the Fremont Fire Department.

Dear Friends,

As two of our nation’s greatest holidays approach, Memorial Day and Independence Day, we are reminded of those who have sacrificed for our freedom and independence. Yet many of our fellow Americans continue to live their lives without the simplest of freedoms and a basic human right: Mobility!

soldier_vetWhile you celebrate with your families, remember those Americans who lack basic mobility such as a veteran who has defended our nation or a child who can’t attend school. Honor freedom by providing wheelchairs for recipients in the USA through our “Mobility for America” program where we dedicate your donations to anyone in the USA who needs our help. To date we have given out over 35,000 wheelchairs to fellow Americans and so many thousands more are still desperately in need.

We receive phone calls weekly from individuals here in the United States who are either denied access to or do not have the ability to acquire a wheelchair. One such call was received from a gentleman named Jaime. The insurance company had denied Jaime a wheelchair which he could not afford to purchase on his own. After months of frustrating attempts to find a new or used wheelchair, his daughter heard about the Wheelchair Foundation. Jamie suffers from diabetic neuropathic arthropathy, also known as Charcot, and his severely deformed feet are unable to hold his weight. Soon after her call, father and daughter were in our office parking lot joyfully testing out a new wheelchair. Jaime is delighted to “now be able to do some things on his own,” and is thankful for the Wheelchair Foundation and the donors who made this gift possible.

With your gift of $100 or more, we will send you a red triple function pen with flashlight and stylus to remind you throughout the year of your generous donation.

Donate $150 or more and you will also receive a personalized certificate with a photo of a wheelchair recipient, sent in a beautiful presentation folder.

As an additional token of our appreciation, with your donation of $500 or more, we will include our deluxe,
multipurpose duffle bag.

Simply call us directly at 877-378-3839, or  donate on line through our website (www.wheelchairfoundation.org).

The Wheelchair Foundation, the world’s largest wheelchair relief organization, has distributed over 960,000 wheelchairs in 150+ countries. We are completely donor-driven and this amazing accomplishment is a direct result of overwhelming generosity on the part of our donors. Thank you for your continuing dedication and for your support of those in need of wheelchairs in the USA!


David Behring

Redchair in Action – IBM Volunteers Accompanied the Disabled of Pengpu Sub-district to Experience an Eco Tour

Redchair in action

Touring the Forest Park

June 5, 2011, World Environment Day – The Wheelchair Foundation, Shanghai Pengpu Sub-district committee and IBM Shanghai Volunteer Association held an activity named “Redchair in Action” in Shanghai Gongqing Forest Park. Sixteen disabled people and over 40 IBM volunteers took part in the activity.

In addition to providing Redchairs (red wheelchairs) to communities during the Shanghai World Expo, the Wheelchair Foundation calls on the society to join in the service team for the disadvantaged, which has received enthusiastic social response.

"We win!"

This “Redchair in Action” activity, the Wheelchair Foundation, in partnership with IBM “LOVE 100” charity program, chose the disabled living in Pengpu Sub-district as the service target, invited them to get out of their homes, experience the forest and green, and breathe the fresh air.

Despite the unpleasant weather on the event day, all the IBM volunteers arrived at the community center on time, picked up the disabled people and headed for the Forest Park. In the Park, in addition to touring and viewing natural scenery, the organizers also designed interactive games such as “Ball Throw & Catch” and “Go Through the Black Forest.” Teams were formed to practice and compete.

Redchair in action

Group Photo

The progress was tailored to the disabled and volunteers – so all the volunteers were able to closely interact with the disabled. 60-year-old Mr. Zhang is disabled, but he just had a child’s smile during the games. “I am very happy today, this activity is very interesting, I hope to join again in the future.”

General Manager of IBM Global Business Services Greater China, Mr. Marc Chapman, spoke highly of the activity. “Everyone has a child at heart, today’s activity is a great experience for both IBM volunteers and the disabled people, it’s fantastic!”

“It’s a very successful activity. We hope to have more community activities like this, corporate with NGOs and companies, to serve the disadvantaged living in our community,” said Mr. Wu Xiaoming, officer of Shanghai Pengpu Sub-district Committee.