

This article was originally written by Conric PR and can be found here.

Rotary District 6960 District Governor Cyndi Doragh is pleased to announce that the district has donated more than $140,000 to the Wheelchair Foundation in the past year. This level of funding will provide mobility to approximately 1,400 people in need through the foundation, which aims to provide a free wheelchair to every child, teen and adult worldwide who needs one but cannot afford one.

wheelchair_rotary6969Since the early 2000s, Rotary has partnered with the foundation, which in 2015 delivered its one-millionth wheelchair since its inception. Upon assuming her position as District Governor, Doragh named the Wheelchair Foundation as the beneficiary of her year-long community service project, which culminated at the District Conference last month.

While most of District 6960’s wheelchairs had been delivered to needy countries in the Caribbean, Central America and parts of South America, Doragh turned the focus to the need within the Southwest Florida community. Under her leadership, the district’s 50 Rotary clubs accepted the challenge to provide 1,100 wheelchairs, at a cost of $110,000, over the course of the year. By the first of May, funding for approximately 900 wheelchairs had been raised.

At the District Conference, held May 12-15, Wheelchair Program Chairman Steve Agius presented 30 wheelchairs to Rev. Dr. Israel Suarez, founder and CEO of Nations Associations Charities, who introduced two of the recipients, Maria and Francisco. Ten wheelchairs were presented to Ralph Santillo, founder and president of Invest in America’s Veterans.

Conference attendees rallied to raise enough additional funds to purchase 200 more wheelchairs, surpassing Doragh’s goal, with donations continuing even after the conference to exceed $140,000 as of June 1.

rotary_6960wheelchairs_2About Rotary
Rotary is an international organization of business and community leaders working together through friendships and building relationships in an effort to serve others and do good in the world. It is a secular organization open to all people regardless of race, color, creed, religion, gender or political preference. There are more than 32,000 clubs worldwide composed of 1.2 million individual members. Rotary District 6960 in Southwest Florida has more than 50 clubs.
Rotary’s purpose is to provide humanitarian services, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and to advance goodwill and peace around the world. Rotary’s primary motto is “Service Above Self;” its secondary motto is “One profits most who serves best.” For more information visit RotaryDistrict6960.org.

20160212_235629In February of this year, Rotarians from Western North Carolina, District 7670, traveled to the Philippines to deliver wheelchairs and other aid to the disabled and less fortunate Filipino citizens with Districts 3820 and 3810. District 3810 consists of clubs from Manila, Pasay, Cavite and Occidental Mindoro and District 3820 consists of clubs from the Southeastern Quezon, Mindoro Oriental and Camarines.

The five Rotarians from District 7670 (Bill Biddle, Isaac Owolabi, Elbie Stiles, Charles “Chuck” Killian and his wife Sharon) all travelled together, each paying his or her own expenses, to participate in this life-changing experience. One hundred ten wheelchairs were distributed in six cities within the two hosting districts.

Philippines Wheelchair Team in Daet, Camerines Sur, Philippines Feb 2016

Philippines Wheelchair Team in Daet, Camerines Sur, Philippines Feb 2016

The team also participated in a medical mission for indigent senior citizens, visited a High School in Pasay City to see desks that were donated to the senior class, visited Blessed Ville Angels Special Education Learning Center and a Music Therapy Program in Tondo in District 3810.

“We are grateful to have had the opportunity to represent our district and to serve others in need. As a team, we were able to have a positive impact on the lives of individuals who are now better off. Thank you for the opportunity to serve others.”

Written by Don Routh and also posted on Del-Corazon.org

In July 2015 we delivered 560 wheelchairs on a two week trip to Peru. The first week we were joined by 14 teachers, high school students and parents as we delivered wheelchairs to Ica, Parcona, Pachacutec, Chincha, and Pisco.   In our free time the group experienced sandboarding in Huacachina and a boat tour of Islas Ballestas.

We took advantage of our two days between distribution groups and took the Orient Express to Mach Pichu where Josh was the first wheelchair user in memory to reach the Temple of the Sun.  For the second week we were joined by another group of 13 teachers, high school students and parents for our deliveries to Huancayo, La Merced, Satipo, and Tarma. There were long bus rides on winding roads reaching elevations of 16,000 feet.

We hiked to an incredible waterfall in Chanchamayo and visited towns where they rarely received any humanitarian aide.  All in all I think everyone would say they had an incredible experience delivering mobility to people who, in some cases, have waited decades for a wheelchair.

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This article was written by Douglas Cockcroft, Managing Director of Splitting Image Taxidermy.

The joy of giving is truly one of lifes greatest gifts. Through the wheelchair foundation, the gift of mobility and a chance at a better quality life is given to people from all across the globe.

In a relatively short space of time, the Wheelchair foundation has achieved the incredible milestone of donating and distributing over 1 million wheelchairs globally. This is a feat that was achieved through the passion and selfless giving of time and resources of Mr. Kenneth Behring.

On a global map, Africa represents one of the worlds largest populations in need. The remotest areas are often forgotten and those in need in these areas would ordinarily never  have the slightest chance of the gift of mobility. These are the areas where the Wheelchair foundation has had greatest impact.

On the 15th October 2015, Mr. Kenneth Behring and a few associates, met in a small rural settlement in the Eastern Cape of South Africa to give the gift of mobility to 11 people with disabilities that had taken away their freedom of movement. Having been in contact with a number of local charity organisations in the area, candidates were brought together to meet at the Assumption Development Centre in Joza Township. In any first world situation, the candidates would have been lining up at the door, but in communities like these, dispite the opportunity, these disabled candidates do not even have access to basic transport to get to these events. Poverty and disadvantage are common practice, and only a small number in need ever actually receive the opportunity at a new beginning.

With the kind support of Ezulu Game reserve, and the charity organizations, candidates were collected from their homes far and wide and brought together for a brief but very emotional gathering. The faces of ladies who had suffered illness and lost limbs, as they sat in their new wheelchairs was a sight for sore eyes. These are women who care for their families dispite their own limiting disabilities, and do the best they are able to survive on a daily basis. To them, these wheelchairs are their saving grace and the gift that will transform their lives going forward.

The children born with disfigurements that have forced them into an immobile life, are suddenly transformed to children with hope. The elderly who have long given up any dreams of being able to care for themselves, are given a final chance at a mobile life of dignity.

The event saw so many smiles in such a small centre. Mr. Behring was once again leading from the front and stood with open arms so acknowledge the abilities of those who have been branded as “disable” for so long.

2015-10-16 11.37.06The greatest gift a man can give is his time. With the efforts of men like Mr.Behring and those mobility warriors he surrounds himself with, the future of so many lost causes will be given the opportunity at a mobile life that we all so richly deserve

Our sincerest thanks goes out to  the following organizations for their continued passion and efforts in caring for the disabled.

Raphael Skills and Development centre.

Jabez AIDS health care centre

Child Welfare



Keep giving and let the wheels of freedom roll forwards.

Douglas Cockcroft

Managing Director

Splitting Image Taxidermy

Josh Burroughs began his legacy of supporting Wheelchair Foundation in his college days at Cal Poly State University in San Luis Obispo, California.  In August of 2008, Josh was a team leader among a group of students who traveled to Peru to distribute 400 wheelchairs.  The students purchased these 400 wheelchairs through a year’s worth of work as a class project.  Josh was totally overwhelmed by the powerful, life-changing experience of placing someone in a wheelchair, and from that point on, committed to continuing this wonderful work.

In 2014, Josh along with the Silicon Valley Rotary Club visited Nicaragua for a wheelchair distribution. This was in partnership with Los Pipitos and the Wheelock Family. Included the installation of new bathrooms, a new potable water system and purchase of educational supplies for the Las Iguanas School for low income children.

Take a moment and watch this touching video that Wheelchair Foundation just received. Thank you Josh, Silicon Valley Rotary Clubs and all of our wonderful supporters!


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