

This article was borrowed from the Seychelles Nation website from Oct 8 2013

Added Comfort For Physically Disabled Children and Elderly


Mr Ken Behring along with Rotary providing mobility to children in the Seychelles.

The Rotary Club of Victoria in partnership with an international non-profit body called Wheelchair Foundation have together brought added comfort to the lives of 10 people with physical disabilities.  Ten wheelchairs were handed over recently at the School for the Exceptional Child in the presence of the foundation’s founder Ken Behring, it’s Director Charli Butterfield and other members.

Also present at the handing over ceremony were the President of the Rotary Club of Victoria Mario Rotolo and other members, as well as representatives of those who have benefited from the donations.  They expressed words of thanks to Rotary Club and the foundation for such gifts which will help to promote inclusion of those children and adults in various social activities. Six Students from the school have received wheelchairs, tow have been given to the Sisters of Charity while the North East Point home for the elderly has got one.

The other wheelchair was given Yva Valmont, who is suffering from a medical condition called cerebral palsy which affects her mobility. The Wheelchair Foundation is a non-profit organisation leading an international effort to create awareness of the needs and abilities of people with physical disabilities. Mr. Behring and his team from the foundation are going around the world making donations in various forms such as wheelchairs, equipment for schools and humanitarian work.

Mr. Rotolo said Rotary Club is always trying to help those who are in need in the different communities in the country through various projects. He added that this donation of wheelchairs comes after a visit of a foundation’s member last year during one of the club’s meetings. Discussions have been held since then and a partnership has been developed.