

This article is borrowed from the Contra Costa Times and is shared in it’s entirety. To read the original article written by Robert Jordan click here.

SAN RAMON — Don Routh’s lips still tremble and his eyes fight back tears as he recalls the day 34 years ago when doctors told him that his then 1-year-old son, Josh, would never speak or have use of his limbs.

Doctors diagnosed Josh with cerebral palsy, a developmental disability that is caused by brain damage — usually sustained in the womb or at birth — that affects body movement, according to United Celebral Palsy.

“I was terrified,” said Routh, who adopted Josh when he was two days old. “That was my son and to hear that he would be a quadriplegic was tough. … But you can either bury your head in the sand or you can embrace it.”

Don Routh, of the Del Corazon foundation, speaks to students and teachers Feb. 6 at Green Valley Elementary School in Danville. Del Corazon helps raise money for several charitable causes, especially the Wheelchair Foundation and El Oasis Orphanage.

Don Routh, of the Del Corazon foundation, speaks to students and teachers Feb. 6 at Green Valley Elementary School in Danville. Del Corazon helps raise money for several charitable causes, especially the Wheelchair Foundation and El Oasis Orphanage. Photo by Jim Stevens / Bay Area News Group

Routh has done more than embrace it. He has spent his money and time advocating for people with disabilities. The doctors were wrong about Josh. Josh, 35, lives by himself in San Ramon and works as a clerk at Nob Hill Foods.

Together Routh, Josh and Bill Wheeler, the owner of Black Tie Transportation in Pleasanton, have spent the past nine years highlighting world mobility issues and the need for wheelchairs through Del Corazon, the organization the trio started to partner with the Danville-based Wheelchair Foundation. Del Corazon has delivered more than 7,000 wheelchairs to Mexico and Central and South America.

“Josh was born here, but if he was born in a developing country he would not have had the same opportunities,” said Routh, a retired businessman who was a partner at Pricewaterhouse Coopers. “We are helping give others a fighting chance.”

Last year, the trio incorporated schools into their organization with a program that not only raises funds to buy wheelchairs but also provide students a chance to learn about the situation people with disabilities face in the developing world. More than 109 million people with a disability need a wheelchair in the developing world, according to Del Corazon. With help from the Wheelchair Foundation, Del Corazon can deliver wheelchairs for $150 each.

In its first year at eight schools in Pleasanton, Del Corazon raised $18,000. The program expanded to 50 schools this year in Pleasanton, San Ramon, Danville, Oakland and Hayward with a goal to raise $100,000 this year and eventually expand to other parts of the Bay Area.

“This program was different from a lot of other projects we get,” said Parvin Ahmadi, the Pleasanton schools superintendent. “This one has the potential to be a really good service learning project. It is ongoing, and regardless of how old you are, you can be involved.”

Third-graders, from left, Ava Haubner, 8, and Sidney White, 8, sitting in wheelchairs, eat lunch Feb. 7 at Vintage Hills Elementary School in Pleasanton.

Third-graders, from left, Ava Haubner, 8, and Sidney White, 8, sitting in wheelchairs, eat lunch Feb. 7 at Vintage Hills Elementary School in Pleasanton. Photo by Anda Chu / Bay Area News Group

Routh spent the summer with staff from the San Ramon Valley school district’s Ability Awareness Program developing curriculum based on mobility and wheelchairs that accompanies fundraising efforts that students, parents and teachers participate in. Students from kindergarten to high school have a chance to learn about mobility and wheelchairs through subjects from English to physics.

“Students learned a lot about what it means to help others, and that is just a powerful message,” said Kelly Hoffmann, a second-grade teacher at Bollinger Canyon Elementary in San Ramon. “They learned that if you contribute $2 it can make a difference in another person’s life.”

Bollinger Canyon chose to incorporate the Del Corazon program into its lessons plan for a month and set and met a goal of raising $2.50 per student.

In Pleasanton, the Lydiksen Elementary community was one of the pilot schools and collected more than $5,000 in a month, enough to buy 34 wheelchairs for people in Guatemala. Beyond the service learning and fundraising that the school did, teachers from the school also paid their own way to Guatemala to help Routh, Josh and Wheeler deliver the chairs.

“The first chair we delivered was to a woman who had not been out of her bedroom for six years,” said Kimberly Hereld, a fifth-grade teacher at Lydiksen. “We all cried because for $150 we were able to make a difference, and it was our kids that made that happen.” Routh, Josh and Wheeler, with the help of the Wheelchair Foundation, have delivered wheelchairs to 13 countries in Central and South America and hope to visit all 21 countries, with Honduras and Costa Rica scheduled for July.

Lydiksen Elementary is preparing to raise funds in March to help buy wheelchairs for the Honduras trip. In addition, Del Corazon also scheduled two charity basketball games with Monte Vista and San Ramon Valley High School’s basketball programs playing against the Bay Area Outreach and Recreation Program’s wheelchair basketball team on April 29 and May 6.

All the proceeds go toward purchasing and delivering wheelchairs.

“We get to give kids their freedom back,” Josh Routh said.

“We are so blessed and take for granted what we have.” Added Wheeler, “Josh is the X-factor and sets an example for all the kids,” said Wheeler. “He gets around independently, and the kids see what he can do and say, ‘I am like him.’ ”

Fourth-grader Eddie Park, 9, navigates through his classroomin a wheelchair Feb. 7 at Vintage Hills Elementary School in Pleasanton. Students at the school had the use of 10 wheelchairs to experience what it is like to navigate the campus in one. Photo by Anda Chu / Bay Area News Group

Fourth-grader Eddie Park, 9, navigates through his classroomin a wheelchair Feb. 7 at Vintage Hills Elementary School in Pleasanton. Students at the school had the use of 10 wheelchairs to experience what it is like to navigate the campus in one. Photo by Anda Chu / Bay Area News Group


For more information on Del Corazon visit del-corazon.org.


For more on Del Corazon, visit del-corazon.org.
For more on the Wheelchair Foundation, visit www/wheelchairfoundation.org.

josh_burgerAs a 4 ½ month old fetus Josh Burger’s parents were encouraged to abort him.  Almost 14 years later Josh has overcome the odds and recently raised enough money to sponsor 50 wheelchairs.  After receiving a special motorized wheelchair from the Rotary Club in Pleasanton, California, Josh was inspired by their kindness and generosity.  He wanted to help others experience the same freedom and mobility that a wheelchair provides.  The Wheelchair Foundation would like to thank Josh and all those who have helped in raising the funds necessary to sponsor 50 wheelchairs.

Below is a question and answer interview with Josh Burger.

1. How did you first hear about the Wheelchair Foundation?


When I went to the White House Christmas Party last year, I met Mrs. Cheryl Barnes, Director of Wheelchair Foundation Washington D.C., and she told me about what the foundation does.


2. What made you want to help raise funds so other people who need wheelchairs could receive them?


The Rotary Club in Pleasanton California gave me an electric wheelchair and it has changed my life. I wanted to help others to experience the same thing.


3. How did you raise the funds? Did you work with individual fundraising, church, social groups or professional groups?


Every summer, our church (Valley Community Church, 4455 Del Valle Parkway, Pleasanton, CA 94566) sponsors Vacation Bible School for kids ages K-5. We always take on a mission project. This year they wanted to buy soccer balls for needy kids but my mother and I suggested that we raise money for the wheelchairs. They got excited because it made a difference in my life and I would be able to share my story. We also showed the kids one of the videos from the Wheelchair Foundation. I think it really helped the kids realize what we were trying to accomplish.


4. How much did you raise?




5. When did you raise these funds? Date:


7/12-7/16, 2004


6. How did it make you feel to be able to raise funds so other people could get wheelchairs?


It made me feel really, really happy knowing that it’s going to change the lives of many people.


7. If you had a chance to speak with Mr. Behring, the chairman of the Wheelchair Foundation, what would you like to say to him?


Thank you very much for using your money to help so many people. I think you are pretty special and an awesome man.


8. Do you have plans to work with the Wheelchair Foundation in the future?


Yes. I care about other people who don’t have any wheelchairs.


9. Tell us the story behind your fundraising. What was your original goal, did you meet that goal or surpass the goal?


Our original goal was ten wheelchairs (according to the adults) but I said forty! They thought that was way too big a goal, but I believed. And we got exactly 50!


10. How did other people respond to your efforts to raise money and awareness for wheelchairs?


They were so enthusiastic, especially when I came out on stage in the actual wheelchair.


11. What was the best part of working with the Wheelchair Foundation?


Counting the money. Meeting the staff. Visiting the auto museum was really cool!


12. What would you tell other people who are thinking about working with the Wheelchair Foundation.


Just do it!


For more information about Josh’s life story, please click here.