

Michael Goodale, 21, whose mentorship encourages and motivates other youth to make their McQuesten neighbourhood a better place to live. He uses rap to help them express themselves and he’s the go-to guy for those looking for ways to engage teens.

Melissa Ricci, 17, who fundraises for the Canadian Wheelchair Foundation, the Harvest for Hope, and Relay for Life and raises awareness of homelessness, discrimination, poverty and seniors isolation, participates in Random Acts of Kindness and co-chairs the Hamilton Community Foundation Youth Advisory Council.

Halloween 4 Hunger Student Committee of St. Thomas More Catholic Secondary School which runs a Halloween food drive that in 10 years has grown from 25 volunteers and $4,548 worth of food collected to 600 students collecting $133,000 worth.

Hanna Mengistu, who helps her Ethiopian community keep its culture and language alive and helped establish a day camp for children, taking a work leave of absence to ensure its success.

The McQuesten Community Planning Team, a grassroots group working to improve life in one of the city’s lowest income and under- serviced neighbourhoods.

SOURCE: The Hamilton Spectator