

cheryl photo5_mainA shipment of 560 wheelchairs arrived in Pakistan and was delivered shortly after the earthquake there. The shipment was arranged earlier through a donation from an expatriate Pakistani organization in New York. It arrived in the port of Karachi early in September. The wheelchairs were being transported from Karachi to Islamabad just after the earthquake struck.

Islamabad, the capital city, is 65 miles south of the epicenter of the earthquake. We were able to establish early on that our receiving partner was in good health and functioning, although deeply shocked. It immediately became apparent that the wheelchairs would be needed. Numerous people were injured by collapsing buildings when the earthquake shook them down. An unfortunately large number, already estimated at over 70,000, were killed in the quake. Many more were injured, and many of those injuries will require wheelchairs for those injured by falling buildings and by landslides. It’s a fortunate bit of timing that allowed the Wheelchair Foundation to be able to provide that help almost from the first moment.

This effort is not complete. Much more still needs to be done, as many more people will require short and long term aid. This will involve medical aid, food and water, and shelter in the short term, especially with the harsh winter approaching. In the long term, more permanent shelter will be required, and many of the injured will need wheelchairs and other medical equipment. Wheelchair Foundation is ready to contribute, with your assistance.