

“Through compassionate and humanitarian efforts, Ken Behring is performing an extraordinary service to the people and the government of Nicaragua,” said Eduardo J. Sevilla Somoza, Nicaraguan Ambassador to the United Nations. “By helping people who struggle daily with immobility, he is setting an example for us all.”

Behring received the medal, officially known as the Orden de Jose de Marcoleta, during a reception at the Hall of the Americas at the Organization of American States in Washington, D.C. This cocktail fundraiser, which was attended by leaders in the Washington diplomatic, medical and business communities, was organized by Dr. and Mrs. Steven B. Hopping and their daughter, Julia Sacasa-Sevilla. Sevilla Somoza bestowed the award on behalf of the President of Nicaragua.

Recipients of the medal, which is named after a Spaniard who defended Nicaragua’s sovereignty in the 19th century, are honored for excellence in diplomacy and service to Nicaragua’s people and government. The Wheelchair Foundation has already provided 175 wheelchairs to the Central American nation of Nicaragua and plans for more chairs are already underway.