

My name is Gao Shan, and I am 26 years old. Tragically, I incurred a leg disability due to the complications of my illness and the lack of timely treatment when I suffered from rheumatism at the age of 14. Having lost my ability to walk, I can’t take care of myself and I totally depend on my mother’s help. The only thing I can do is to stay in bed all day long and wait for her help. During the years of my illness, my mother transported me from one doctor to another for better medical treatment and depleted all of the family’s savings. The consequences were disappointing. My condition remains the same, and there is no change for the better. I am still disabled.

My mother has no more tears to cry while facing the penniless family and the unpromising disabled child. The door of my world has been closed firmly, for I have never been outside of my house, except for visits to the doctor, since my illness set in. An ordinary wheelchair is strongly desired by me and by my mother. I really miss the fresh air outdoors, the warm bright sunshine, and the flowing gentle breezes. I am eager for a wheelchair ride with my dear mother alongside me to talk with her, laugh together, and comfort her under the pleasing weather. But to a family in debt after paying treatment fees, a wheelchair has become a luxury out of reach.

At the moment we gave up all hope, the Heping District Disabled Persons’ Federation brought a piece of good news. They informed us that the Wheelchair Foundation would be visiting Shenyang to donate wheelchairs to the disadvantaged, giving them mobility, freedom and hope.

The next day, I was invited to participate in the donation and distribution ceremony at the City Square. I was so happy to be given the chance to address everyone on behalf of all the handicapped people and express our heartfelt appreciation and gratitude while sitting in my own wheelchair. To us, the wheelchair is our legs, enabling us to get out of the house and witness Shenyang’s huge changes and prosperity, and to enjoy the beauty of nature under the blue sky, which undoubtedly is good for our physical and mental health.

I would like to thank the Wheelchair Foundation’s charity and generosity which will encourage to me to face the future with a brighter heart and more optimism. I believe the world will become more and more wonderful with the love you share.

I wish a peaceful life to all kind people