

The inspiring story below was recently shared by our partners at the Wheelchair Foundation regarding Donlon Elementary’s generosity through their annual participation in the non-profit’s ‘From the Heart School Program’.  Please read and enjoy – thank you to our Cubs

Donlon Elementary School wrapped up their 5th year of participating in our From the Heart School Program this month. Each year they couple their efforts by pairing it with their annual Abilities Awareness Week. Students at Donlon spend time during PE experiencing what it might be like to use a wheelchair for mobility,

One Donlon student was so moved by what he learned regarding mobility issues around the world and what he experienced during Ability Awareness Week that he decided to donate the entire contents of his savings account. The total was $450 and enough to provide 3 wheelchairs. He did not want to be recognized which means that the joy for him was completely in the giving. What a wise and thoughtful young man!

He began a “ripple effect” in his classroom and at his school.   Donlon’s Principal, Janet Gates, was so moved by his giving that she decided to match his efforts by doing the same.  He also inspired his classmates to band together to canvas a neighborhood, raising awareness about the need for wheelchairs. The students that did so raised $150 in this way. Amazing to have children inspiring children and then ultimately inspiring us all!

Donlon’s total contribution topped all of their previous efforts and they raised $3,800 for our cause which will allow us to provide 25 new wheelchairs for Guatemala. Thank you Donlon Cubs for your generosity!