

Daniel Catullo

We just received this email about “Plane to Haiti”, a humanitarian mission put together by the Wheelchair Foundation. The mission was a powerful success, and it looks like they plan to continue making trips to care for the struggling survivors of the Haitian earthquake. We recommend watching the video, it is very moving.

Greetings Everyone.

On Behalf of the Wheelchair Foundation and the 25 volunteers who went to Haiti with us, I wanted to personally thank each and every one of you for helping us make the “Plane To Haiti”  trip a reality. Below you will find a link to a 12 minute long video we created showing highlights from our trip. It will really make you realize how lucky we all are to live the way we do.  It will also give you an interesting perspective on how horrible things really are in Haiti and what we went through down there.

I know that some of you are sick of hearing about Haiti, but the need for Wheelchairs and physical therapy is needed now more than ever. Please continue to help us send more supplies to Haiti and spread the word. It is a shame that people are already starting to forget about what happened down there. The situation is more dire than ever and we all need to work together to continue to help these poor people.  We are planning many more trips down there in the coming weeks and months, but we can’t do it without your help. Please continue to donate and help.

Please take 12 minutes out of your day and watch this. It will make you appreciate everything you have trust me

Best regards,
Daniel Catullo

Watch Video Here

SOURCE: Axis of Justice

Plane to Haiti Mission 1 – Full Documentary from Dan Catullo on Vimeo.

January 27, 2010- DC3 Global, Partnered with the Wheelchair Foundation- Launched it’s first Haiti Relief mission to bring 25 volunteers & medical professionals plus 10,000 lbs of medical supplies to earthquake ravaged Haiti.

This is the story of what every day people can do when they work together to help save lives and rebuild a country.

Please donate to: www.planetohaiti.org

Plane-to-Haiti Haiti relief mission Preview from DC3 Music Group on Vimeo.

On January 13, 2010, DC3 Global and The Wheelchair Foundation (partnered with MedShare) launched an ambitious mission to send a private plane full of medical supplies and doctors to Haiti. Over the following weeks, dozens of everyday people pulled together to accomplish and extraodinary mission that saved lives and brought hope for hundreds of Haitians in the aftermath of one of the worst natural disasters of the century.

PLEASE DONATE TO: www.planetohaiti.org

Directed by: Jonathan Fambrough
Produced by: Daniel E Catullo

At 8:30 this morning an MD-87 filled with over three tons of emergency medical supplies and wheelchairs departed Stockton for a humanitarian aid trip to Haiti.  There were also 8 doctors and trauma nurses, a documentary film crew and Wheelchair Foundation (a Division of Global Health & Education Foundation) representatives on board.  This is a story of many different groups collaborating together in a short period of time to provide important relief to a country in crisis.  We will be periodically providing updates of the trip’s progress and experiences.

WheelchairFoundation-MedShareloadingShortly after the catastrophic 7.0 earthquake devastated Haiti on January 12, 2010, Dan Catullo III, the founder of DC3 Music Group (www.dc3global.com), contacted the Wheelchair Foundation to see if its founder, Ken Behring, would be interested in loaning his private jet to send physicians and medical supplies to that country.  He agreed to lend his plane and crew if sponsors could be found for the fuel.  Catullo immediately began contacting his associates in the music industry.  Scott Stapp, the lead singer for Creed, and New Kids on the Block stepped forward with substantial donations and encouraged other bands to spread the word on their websites.

Catullo then called Chuck Haupt at Medshare (www.medshare.com), to see if they would donate emergency medical supplies.  Haupt responded immediately with 8 pallets of materials like sutures, gauze, syringes, surgical gloves, etc., which are so desperately needed in Haiti.  They have been loaded into the cargo section of the plane along with 30 wheelchairs donated by the Wheelchair Foundation.  Medshare has also generously agreed to transport another 7 pallets of medical supplies from Atlanta to Fort Lauderdale for the second flight to Haiti.  These supplies will be given to Partners in Health (www.pih.org) at the Port-au-Prince General Hospital.

John Muir Hospital in northern California also played a major role in supplying antibiotics and other requested supplies.  Jeff Behring, the son of Ken Behring, and Glenn Perry, a longtime supporter of the Wheelchair Foundation, had met Senator Bill Frist at an event the previous week.  Frist, a surgeon, had just returned from a week in Haiti and told Jeff what supplies were the most important.  When Perry contacted Ben Drew at John Muir, the hospital provided everything on Frist’s list.

You also need a “slot time” to land in Haiti.  Phil VanderWilt, the MD-87 pilot, was on the phone most of a  day trying to secure a position.  He finally got one that was six days away.  The plane will land in Fort Lauderdale Wednesday night, pick up more doctors, and head to Haiti.  The jet will then be unloaded, extract doctors and specialists from Partners in Health and Direct Relief International that have already been on the ground for a week or so and return to Florida.  Two days later it will transport another 16 doctors and two tons of medical supplies to assist in the relief effort.  The plane will then depart for California.

The Wheelchair Foundation would like to commend Jeff Behring, Dan Cathullo and Chris Rudd for their tireless efforts and passion in making this project come to fruition.  We also want to thank the musical performers and their fans for their invaluable support.  The people of Haiti need your help now and into the future to rebuild their lives and their country.

The Wheelchair Foundation is a Division of Global Health & Education Foundation.