

Redchair in Action – IBM Volunteers Accompanied the Disabled of Pengpu Sub-district to Experience an Eco Tour

Redchair in action

Touring the Forest Park

June 5, 2011, World Environment Day – The Wheelchair Foundation, Shanghai Pengpu Sub-district committee and IBM Shanghai Volunteer Association held an activity named “Redchair in Action” in Shanghai Gongqing Forest Park. Sixteen disabled people and over 40 IBM volunteers took part in the activity.

In addition to providing Redchairs (red wheelchairs) to communities during the Shanghai World Expo, the Wheelchair Foundation calls on the society to join in the service team for the disadvantaged, which has received enthusiastic social response.

"We win!"

This “Redchair in Action” activity, the Wheelchair Foundation, in partnership with IBM “LOVE 100” charity program, chose the disabled living in Pengpu Sub-district as the service target, invited them to get out of their homes, experience the forest and green, and breathe the fresh air.

Despite the unpleasant weather on the event day, all the IBM volunteers arrived at the community center on time, picked up the disabled people and headed for the Forest Park. In the Park, in addition to touring and viewing natural scenery, the organizers also designed interactive games such as “Ball Throw & Catch” and “Go Through the Black Forest.” Teams were formed to practice and compete.

Redchair in action

Group Photo

The progress was tailored to the disabled and volunteers – so all the volunteers were able to closely interact with the disabled. 60-year-old Mr. Zhang is disabled, but he just had a child’s smile during the games. “I am very happy today, this activity is very interesting, I hope to join again in the future.”

General Manager of IBM Global Business Services Greater China, Mr. Marc Chapman, spoke highly of the activity. “Everyone has a child at heart, today’s activity is a great experience for both IBM volunteers and the disabled people, it’s fantastic!”

“It’s a very successful activity. We hope to have more community activities like this, corporate with NGOs and companies, to serve the disadvantaged living in our community,” said Mr. Wu Xiaoming, officer of Shanghai Pengpu Sub-district Committee.

A Gift – 26 May 2011 

Deng Yuanyuan

Deng Yuanyuan, 29, is a middle-level cerebral palsy patient. She lives in Shenyang Huanggu district. On the afternoon of May 19, 2011, Disabled Person’s Federation of Huanggu District Shenyang sent her a gift: a wheelchair.   

She has had no ability to walk since she was born. More than twenty years, she can not go outside of the house by herself. Her parents have retired with low income, which can barely maintain the family’s living. There is no extra money to buy a wheelchair for her.   

Deng Yuanyuan’s parents said emotionally: “Without the help from Wheelchair Foundation and Disabled Person’s Federation in Shenyang, she could not go outside of the door and participate any social activities!”

New Change, New Life – 17 May 2011

Lv Furong

My name is Lv Furong, 59 years old, living in Shenyang, a northern city in China. I’m disabled, my living relying on a walking stick. With a lot of inconvenience, each step was difficult and my arms became very tired. I want a wheelchair, but my economic conditions do not allow it.   

On this year’s Chinese Disabled Day, I got a call from the community that Shenyang Disabled Persons Federation decided to give me a wheelchair after knowing my situation. I am so happy about it. The day when the wheelchair arrived at my house, I immediately sat on it; it is so comfortable and convenient. I didn’t know what to say, I only remembered two words, and just said “thank you”.    

Guanquanyuan community, Ertaizi Sub-district, Dadong District, Shenyang city 

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