More Wheelchair Organizations
The following organizations provide wheelchair donations and other related mobility aids to enable greater access and mobility to those in need. We are unable to accept used wheelchairs or equipment as donations. Please contact one of the wheelchair organizations below to donate new or used wheelchairs and equipment.
American Mobility Outreach
The foundation welcomes donations of new or used power chairs or scooters and refurbishes them to later be given free-of-charge to individuals in need.
Direct Relief International
Since its inception, Direct Relief has provided appropriate and specifically requested medical resources, including wheelchair donations, to community-based institutions and organizations in over 140 countries including the United States.
Friends of Disabled Adults and Children (FODAC)
Providing wheelchairs and other medical disabilities to people in the metro Atlanta, Georgia area with disabilities.
Get A Cane
Get a Cane is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization established in San Diego County. The organization’s objective is to collect and redistribute medical and mobility devices to economically disadvantaged persons in the community. The program will form partnerships with medical device companies, local nursing homes, rehab centers, senior centers, and hospitals to facilitate access to ambulatory aids for those in need. It now also serves Bay Area counties.
Hope Haven International
Refurbishes mobility wheelchairs and manufactures pediatric wheelchairs to distribute to physically challenged people around the world through international sponsors.
Joni and Friends
From the beginning, Joni, her staff, and volunteers devoted their energies to developing Christ-centered programs and services which would help meet the spiritual and practical needs of disabled people and their families. Joni and Friends continue to reach out around the world to people and families affected by disability with the love of Christ and the practical help they need. Joni and Friends DO NOT distribute individual wheelchairs within the United States.
Kansas Equipment Exchange
Helps Kansans obtain affordable, durable medical equipment and assistive technology. Accepts wheelchair donations, hospital beds, lifts, and other medical equipment, which is then refurbished and given to Kansas residents in need. For more information, call 866-666-1470. For the location closest to you, call 800-526-3648.
The Kids Equipment Network
Provides physically challenged children and youth with refurbished durable medical and adaptive equipment in circumstances when their families do not have the means to pay for mobility aids. For more information, call 630-965-8176.
LifeNets – The Wheelchair Project
LifeNets matches donated wheelchairs with needy recipients who cannot afford or qualify for wheelchairs in the United States. The organization networks with medical missionary organizations and individuals to access and provide donated wheelchairs
Medshare – Donate Re-Usable Medical Equipment
MedShare is a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the environment and healthcare through the efficient recovery and redistribution of surplus medical supplies and equipment to underserved healthcare facilities in developing countries.
Mobility Unlimited
Mobility Unlimited is dedicated to helping working adults in Oregon who have physical disabilities obtain the mobility equipment required to live independently and maintain employment.
Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA)
MDA offices across the U.S. and Puerto Rico accept donations of manual and powered wheelchairs, mobility scooters, hospital beds, lift chairs, walkers, and other medical equipment. Donated items are refurbished and provided at no cost to local individuals in need.
Special Kids Fund
Special Kids Fund is an alliance of schools, hospitals, and social service organizations that providing for the special needs of children with disabilities and at-risk youth. Through the Special Kids Fund Vehicles for the Disabled Program, donated wheelchair vans and vehicles are given to physically disabled persons who are not able to afford them.
Wheelchair Recycling Program
The Wheelchair Recycling Program offers low cost, refurbished mobility and medical equipment to those who lack the resources to acquire new equipment. All equipment is donated by individuals, businesses, and other nonprofit agencies. Every item is carefully cleaned and repaired by experienced workers at Badger State Industries. Every dollar collected for equipment is re-invested in the program and helps to sustain our services.
Whirlwind Wheelchair International
Whirlwind does not take or provide wheelchair donations. Rather the engineering company provides the teaching and technology to help developing countries manufacture, fit and provide long-term mobility support to communities in need.
Wine for Wheels
An international association of wine enthusiasts dedicated to the “fruit of the vine” and bringing great wine, fine cuisine, and good friends together, at the same time providing wheelchair donations and philanthropic support.