
Wheelchair Foundation would like to thank everyone who purchased tickets and participated in our one-millionth wheelchair distribution celebration Wheelchairs Around the World, on Saturday, June 13th at the beautiful Blackhawk Museum in Danville, California.

The event sold out, and those 550 supporters and friends in attendance got treated to a spectacular evening featuring traditional dance from four continents, fine food and wine and truly heartfelt appreciation for the accomplishment of delivering one million wheelchairs to individuals in need of mobility in more than 155 countries around the world.

The audience witnessed an emotional interview with Wheelchair Foundation Founder and CEO, Kenneth E. Behring, in which he recounted the origin of his inspiration to “attempt what had never been done,” and how a simple gift of a wheelchair changed him and led him to a life of purpose.

The highlight of the evening occurred when longtime supporter Mr. Ken Hofmann stood up and pledged one million dollars for wheelchairs for Latin America, to kick start the distribution of our second million wheelchairs. Mr. Hofmann’s generous act prompted others, resulting in nearly $1.7 million in donations from attendees of the event.

Thank you to everyone involved in this joyous evening!

This set of photos by Rachel Capil Photography

These photos by Cindy Hegger Photography