
Hofmann_Behring_President_Fox_April_2006_largeWords from VICENTE FOX QUESADA during a ceremonial donation of 20,000 wheelchairs, which took place in the Adolfo Lopez Mateos room of Los Pinos, the official presidential residence.

Well, youth, welcome to your house, Los Pinos, home of all Mexicans.

Today I receive with lots of affection, love, and admiration those who give us the pleasure of their visit, those who are a true example of courage, strength and a real example of life that inspire the rest of us.

Welcome, this is your house.

The satisfaction of giving to others has no limit; it enriches the ones who give, and the ones who receive.


In six years Kenneth and Ken have changed the lives of over half million people through the Wheelchair Foundation.

This is not only a proof of generosity but a force that transforms the world.

As a response to a gesture from the National Institute for Elderly this past April, Kenneth and Ken, the philanthropists, visited us here at Los Pinos, the home of all Mexicans, to express their commitment to donate two million dollars to buy wheelchairs, and they stated that once these wheelchairs are distributed there will be more.

This very important donation is part of a campaign that is appropriately called: mobility and friendship for Mexico.

Today we begin to distribute the wheelchairs around the country and I want to state once more our gratitude to both of you in the name of the Mexican government and its people.

Like Benjamin Franklin said: a brother may be a friend, but a friend will always be a brother.

We have the pleasure that Kenneth is with us today, and in representation of Ken Hofmann, Mr. Dennis Costanza. Be very welcome and I ask that you receive the thank you of all the Mexican families.

We have all heard what these wheelchairs mean to Jose Francisco and Carmen.

This optimistic attitude will now multiply 20 thousand times, generating a great movement of vitality and confidence.
All the way from here I send to all of you who are receiving these wheelchairs and to your families a warm hug.

In a democratic Mexico citizen participation strengthens and grows.

Joining in the generosity of Kenneth and Ken was the work of the Telmex Foundation, of whose philanthropy we hear constantly and who desires to support the worthiest causes in our country.

And we cannot forget the International Rotary Clubs that always try to serve others.

And I know of many civil society organizations that also work for these good causes.

This work shows us that the participation of civil society and citizens has become a fundamental value of our democratic society, and it is a true support to the government and its tasks.

You all have assumed your social responsibility; you have done your part to convert the dreams of many people into reality.

We have also seen today that when we work as a team, when we act jointly for a cause, we can accomplish so much more, we can confront any challenges to benefit those in need, and we can accelerate the creation of the common good in our country.

I am sure that we will continue to work together so that all, seniors, teenagers, boys and girls, and women who have a physical disability can very soon count on receiving a wheelchair that helps them get through life in an easier way.

Together, society and government, we will successfully overcome this challenge.

Mr. Hofmann has already offered to match the amount that is raised from Mexican institutions.

So here we all have a challenge that we are willing to face and overcome so that we can assure that every person in this country that requires and needs mobility can have access to one.

A democratic society is an inclusive one that combats discrimination and offers opportunities; because of that, during this administration, we Mexicans have been working to include people with disabilities.

We have promoted accessibility in houses and buildings, and in installations of the federal government beginning with this house, Los Pinos.

Hence we are ready to receive people with physical disabilities in public buildings and here.

We are also moving forward in adapting the air and ground transport infrastructure; in addition we already have a project of Mexican Norms of Accessibility of Public Spaces.

This project is the base to create construction rules that we will apply to ramps, bar rails, and elevators in all public buildings in our country.

We have successfully launched a program of Inclusive Businesses that not only gives access to wheelchairs but also gives employment, as is already happening in so many factories and commercial enterprises.

And the office that helps and promotes support for people with disabilities has been very active during these past few years, working on various fronts along with people with different abilities, who teach us a lot and from whom we learn everyday.

These advances come from new legal rules, created by the General Law regarding disabled people, with the goal to promote equality, accessibility, integration, respect, recognition of differences, and established budgetary support, which is now a law in our country.


Without participation there is no democracy; participation and responsibility are essential for our democracy; participation and responsibility make Mexico and it citizens stronger; unity and abiding by the law are essential for the solidity of our democracy and for the strengthening of our institutions.

In a democracy, all Mexicans have the right to integrate fully into society, they have right to the health, to education, to employment and to dignified housing.

I invite all here present as well as the whole country to strengthen civil participation, to assume responsibilities, and to support and be there for others. This way we extend the culture of solidarity, and together we promote equality.

Let’s double the efforts of society and government to put within reach more wheelchairs to all the people with different capacities, more support that allows them to integrate fully with their family, more employment, and more openings and access to schools, to knowledge, to work, and to sports.

We will continue to strive for a more humane and united society, ready to give and not only to receive.

Let’s keep on constructing a culture of generosity, and one that protects and supports the neediest.

It is good to give when asked for help but it is better to give before one is being asked.

Like Kenneth has said: When I see the happiness in the eyes of a person who receives a wheelchair, I feel like it is the biggest accomplishment of my life.

Many thanks once again to everyone for participating in the construction of a Mexico that is more democratic and just, and more equal and inclusive.

I am sure that the families will not forget those who today have made possible a better life for their loved ones, to whom they demonstrate today once again that solidarity and generosity unites us as brothers and brings us close, making us more human.

In effect, this brotherhood leads us to recognize and value in others our own humanity.

Many congratulations to you, many thanks and that God bless all of you.

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