
concord_happy_lady_largeIn a model of private partners working together to bring hope, mobility and freedom to those who are in need but cannot afford a wheelchair, the Wheelchair Foundation will join today with Contra Costa Professional Firefighters (IAFF Local 1230), Wells Fargo Bank and Catholic Charities of the East Bay to present new wheelchairs to 30 people at St. Bonaventure Parish at 1 pm.

This marks the first combined effort between the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) and the nonprofit Foundation, and will serve as a model to be used in communities throughout the United States and Canada.  The IAFF has supported the fight against muscular dystrophy, providing over $200 million since 1954, and $18.3 million last September on the Jerry Lewis MDA Telethon.  Front line firefighters will distribute wheelchairs on Wednesday.  Catholic Charities identified the recipients in Contra Costa County, and will host the event.

The Wheelchair Foundation, founded in 2000 by Kenneth E. Behring, has delivered more than 200,000 wheelchairs in over 100 countries, with a goal of delivering one million wheelchairs in the next five years.  The Concord event follows the distribution of 5,000 wheelchairs in September 2003 in Kabul, Afghanistan, and is part of some 10,000 wheelchairs currently being distributed each and every month worldwide by the Foundation.

“We are very excited to be involved with organizations that are coming together in this special effort,” said Chris Lewis, director of public education for the Wheelchair Foundation, and son of MDA National Chairman Jerry Lewis.  “Lives are changed when people are given a wheelchair that they couldn’t otherwise have afforded.”

Wells Fargo Bank of Rossmoor donated funds matched by the Foundation to provide a total of 140 wheelchairs in Contra Costa County, which will be distributed in collaboration with their front line first responders from Contra Costa and IAFF.

“The firefighters are our heroes who let us sleep well at night knowing they are there to protect us,” said Debbie Roessler, retired Wells Fargo Assistant Vice President.  “We are proud that they are doing so much to help us in our local communities, and are now distributing these beautiful fire-engine red wheelchairs.”

“Our commitment to protect the community doesn’t end when we go off-shift,” said Lou Paulson, President of Contra Costa Professional Firefighters.  “These wheelchairs will give comfort and safety to those less fortunate, and we are proud to be able to offer our services in this cause.”

WHAT: Presentation ceremony of 30 wheelchairs to recipients at St. Bonaventure Parish of Concord, CA by the Wheelchair Foundation and International Association of Fire Fighters; wheelchairs sponsored by Wells Fargo Bank of Rossmoor; event hosted by Catholic Charities of the East Bay

WHEN: Wednesday, January 21, 2004, 1:00 PM-2:00 PM

WHERE:  St. Bonaventure Parish, 5562 Clayton Rd., Concord, CA

WHO:  Wheelchair Foundation; Contra Costa Professional Firefighters (IAFF Local 1230); Wells Fargo Bank of Rossmoor; Catholic Charities of the East Bay (510) 768-3139




Post-distribution comments:

Lou Paulson, President of Contra Costa Professional Firefighters
Having Chris Lewis come forward and approach the IAFF to partner with the Wheelchair Foundation in helping to distribute wheelchairs in the US and Canada made it easy to embrace the idea.  These are good people doing good work, and it is a natural fit for us.  Firefighters are exposed to people every day that are in need of mobility assistance, and we are very proud to be involved with the mission of the Wheelchair Foundation.  We look forward to helping as many people as we can throughout North America, and being able to see lives of families changed in an immediate and positive way.

Debbie Roessler, retired Assistant Vice President at Wells Fargo Bank of Rossmoor
This wheelchair distribution was really neat!  Often times Wells Fargo will send a check and then we never see where it ends up going.  It was great to see that these wheelchairs will be so helpful here in our local community.  Our focus at Wells Fargo Foundation is to help our communities, and this was a perfect fit.  I’m a member of the Rotary Club of Moraga and we sponsored a 280 wheelchair container to Mexicali, Mexico last March.  I can’t wait to go on another wheelchair distribution.

Father Richard Mangini, Pastor St. Bonaventure Catholic Community
I was very pleased that we were able to participate in the distribution of these wheelchairs.  Many people need our help, and these wheelchairs will allow the recipients to live a much fuller and more independent life. Solomon Belette, Program Director, Catholic Charities of the East Bay
We are very blessed to be able to partner with the Wheelchair Foundation, the Contra Costa Professional Firefighters and Wells Fargo Bank to bring mobility into the lives of people without the ability to help themselves.  Our collaboration is one of sincere purpose and compassion to bring mobility into the lives of our neighbors in need.

Margaret Dowling, Radio personality and wheelchair recipient at the distribution
I was in a head on car accident in 1983 and since then I have been in a wheelchair.  Now I do a lot of community and civic work.  I host a volunteer radio program and am on the Contra Costa Advisory Council. My wheelchair is essential to helping me stay in tune with the community.  I have to wait 7 more years before I qualify for a new electric wheelchair and mine is already breaking down, so the manual wheelchair I received today will really help me in my active life.

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