
Hi everyone:

I am Renzo Llontop, the Navy Lieutenant who was with you for 2 days in Lima. I write to thank you for being here in Peru, the work you do around the world is really the best job It could exist, to help other people without asking anything in return. I know you’ve had a tiring journey, but I want you to know that really worth it, because you bring happiness to people with disabilities, without whose support would perhaps bedridden or unable to move as they should do. You are an exceptional group, you have a big heart and I know God will bless you for all your life. It was very exciting to see how your work is reflected in the streets, seeing that lady in the main square happy going back to work, with a chair of the Wheelchair Foundation, chairs that were given by you, and improved their life’s quality. Just like that lady must be other 850,000 people in the world who can now enjoy the comfort of being able to move without problems.

You have left a mark on my heart, a mark of generosity and charity for others, I will never forget these days and neither you, be sure about that. I just want to ask 2 favors for you, the first, send me the pictures!! Unfortunately I didn’t take my camera with me these days, so I’ll ask you to share some pictures from your stay in Lima. The second favor is, please never stop doing what you are doing, if there were more people in the world like you, the world would be much much better.

Thanks for coming, thank you for making dreams come true, thanks for sharing these beautiful moments with us, thank you for changing my way of thinking. When you return to Peru, do not hesitate to let us know, here we will receive you with open arms again. I hope to be always in touch with you and the work you do. I don’t have the e-mail of all of you, so please forward this mail to the others. I have nothing further to say that thank you again.

Kisses and hugs for everyone.

Renzo Llontop Espinosa

P.S.: sorry for my bad English, I hope you can understand everything I want to say.