
Andy & Jackie Duhon invite you to a Italian Cajun Wine for Wheels Party at their home in Garland, Texas. For additional information call Jackie at (214) 883-8410.

What happens when you get an Italian to host a party? Fun! Get together with friends for an evening, and at the same time positively change someone’s life!
The Dallas Chapter of The Wheelchair Foundation is hosting an evening of Wine, Food and Fun to raise money for people in need of mobility in third world countries like Haiti and Chile.
Most of us take the ability to get around for granted, but imagine having to drag yourself along the ground to go anywhere. With Wine for Wheels, every $1 raised goes directly to the purchase and delivery of a Wheelchair for a person in need.
For the event just bring a special bottle of wine to share (it does not have to be expensive), and a $25 per person or more donation. Please pay online or by cash or check payable to the Wheelchair Foundation at the event. All donations are tax deductible.
Great food will be served.
Dress Casual.
To make a difference and have an enjoyable evening, please join us. If you were at our last event you know how much fun it was, and that we raised enough to buy approximately 100 wheelchairs. We need your help to to it again.
Watch this three minute video on the Wheelchair Foundation mission. www.wheelchairfoundation.org/deliveries_videos/embedded_video.php? video_id=12&video_type=revver
If you cannot attend, but still would like to donate, donate online below or send check made out to the Wheelchair Foundation and mail it to Andy & Jackie at 913 Clack Drive, Garland, TX 75044.
General Admission: $25
VIP Admission: $75
Sellout Max:  150

Saturday, April 17th, 2010

913 Clack Drive, Garland, TX 75044
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