
Menikewe_Borong_Wheelchair_largeMenikewe Borong heard her name broadcast over the local radio station as one of 250 people who would receive a new wheelchair because of a donation made by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the Wheelchair Foundation.  She arrived early at the Pohnpei State Hospital and waited patiently as dozens of wheelchairs were being distributed to those who, for many years, could not afford a wheelchair on their own. With a big smile on her face, she told the Church representative, Bill Davis, that now she can get out of the house and do things that she couldn’t before. She especially looks forward to going shopping and attending her Church meetings at a nearby Protestant church.

Many people, like Menikewe, are diabetic and there is a high amputation rate amongst the local islanders. The economic situation of most of the local people is such that only a select few, (less than 10%) can afford the cost of a new wheelchair, which normally costs over $375.00. Wincener J. David, Acting Director of the Pohnpei State Department of Health Services, said that the donation of the wheelchairs is a great blessing for this new administration. He also said that it is a miracle for these people to be able to receive a wheelchair for free.

Jack Yakana, the Lieutenant Governor of Pohnpei, was on hand at the ceremony to distribute the wheelchairs. He expressed his deepest gratitude to the Church and the Wheelchair Foundation for this great donation to the people of Pohnpei. He said that the Church has been extremely generous in their recent donations to the hospital, schools and to those truly in need. He thanked President Lanser Edward, Pohnpei District President, and Bill Davis, Micronesia-Guam Service Center Manager, for coordinating this donation to the people of Pohnpei.

In June of 2000, Kenneth E. Behring, former owner of the Seattle Seahawks football team, established the Wheelchair Foundation in an effort to bring mobility to as many people as possible. The goal of the Foundation and its sponsors is to distribute 1 million wheelchairs in the next 5 years.

For many years, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has been actively involved in humanitarian relief and development activities throughout the world.  Programs such as the above are funded by donations from members of the Church and others. These programs help children and families of all nationalities and religions by relieving suffering, helping people help themselves, and providing opportunities for service.  The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints pays for half of the cost of the wheelchairs as well as all of the expenses related to their distribution.

For more information, please contact Janice Lodholm or Bill Davis at (671) 646-9291 or fax (671) 646-9293.

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