
The The Wheelchair Foundation, a division of Behring Global Educational Foundation, a 501(c)3 charitable foundation, has a goal to provide a free wheelchair to every child, teen and adult worldwide who needs one but has no means to acquire one.

Highlights from the 33rd National Disabled Day Celebration

The 33rd National Disabled Day, organized by the Jiangsu Province Foundation for Disabled Persons, together with the Jiangsu Province Department of Civil Affairs and supported by Wuxi City TV station, was a remarkable event. This celebration saw the participation of 160 individuals, all deeply engaged in various charity activities. These prominent entities meticulously arranged the ceremony, showcasing their dedication to supporting disabled persons.

One of the event’s key moments was the award ceremony, which honored entities providing “Outstanding Charity Support to the Disabled.” Among the thirteen organizations recognized, three were notable charity organizations. The Wheelchair Foundation (WCF) was the only international charity organization that has continuously provided support for many years. This accolade aims to inspire more companies and individuals to participate in charity-related activities.

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Carmen’s Life-Altering Transformation

Photo by Glenn Tupper

In a heartwarming tale of resilience and compassion, we introduce you to Carmen, a 32-year-old woman who has overcome substantial obstacles throughout her life. Carmen’s existence has been marked by an inability to stand independently, stemming from severe foot disfigurement and spinal issues. Her mode of communication solely relies on facial expressions and hand gestures, as she has never spoken a word in her three decades of life. Remarkably, Carmen’s devoted mother has shouldered her daughter’s weight for an astounding 32 years. Can you even begin to fathom such unwavering dedication?

The awe-inspiring moment took place when Carmen was presented with her very first wheelchair. As the chair touched her life, her jubilation soared, evident in her spirited snapping of fingers into the air. With the help of her mother and our dedicated team, Carmen was carefully placed in the wheelchair. She clung to her caregiver with one arm while rhythmically snapping her fingers with the other, rendering words irrelevant. Her radiant smile conveyed the joy that had been missing from her life.

Carmen’s experience is a testament to the transformative power of our mission. It is a vivid reminder of the significance of your support in bringing joy and liberation to individuals like Carmen.

We invite you to be part of this remarkable journey by contributing to our continuing efforts. Donate $200 right now. Your generosity will continue to change lives, one wheelchair at a time!

Grandmother, Wife, Daughter

There are many titles this 53 year old woman has earned. Just a handful of weeks ago, it was undeniable that Grateful, would have preceded any of those. For the first time in her life, Margarita was lifted off the ground and put in her own wheelchair.

Born with twisted legs and unable to walk, she spent her life crawling or depending on her loved-ones to move her. 10 years, ago a neighbor made her a wheeled platform so she could navigate her home and courtyard. In order to propel herself, Margarita would push on the ground with one hand and steer with the other. With our amazing donors continued generosity, Margarita has her own wheelchair, and is no longer scooting underfoot, but lifted up physically, emotionally and to a place of dignity.

When we distribute wheelchairs to communities like Puebla, Mexico, we are very grateful to see the impact that our mission of “providing mobility to any Man, Woman, Teen, or Child,” has touched so many lives, however, we’re reminded of the desperate need that exists in the world today.

Rotary in Guatemala

The Tri-Valley Evening Rotary’s Guatemala Wheelchair Distribution and Literacy Project 2023 aimed to provide mobility and promote literacy in Guatemala. The project distributed over 140 wheelchairs to poor and indigenous people in Guatemala City, Antigua, and surrounding villages with the help of experienced Rotarians and local clubs.

Demetrio Hernandez Lopez is an 81-year-old man who lives in a shack and was injured in a ladder accident 24 years ago. He is paid to watch over a property and keep vagrants/squatters away. His wife died three years ago from an infection sustained in a traffic accident. He has a super busted up wheelchair that he manages to drag with his feet. Receiving a new wheelchair is a life-changing event and will better allow Demetrio to exist with greater ease. He is a kind gentleman with a sweet smile. – Glenn Tupper