
The Wheelchair Foundation team is currently distributing wheelchairs in Luanda, Angola with Liwini, a humanitarian relief organization formed by Angolan First Lady Ana Paula dos Santos.
Angola is a country that has suffered greatly from devastating civil wars and political unrest in recent years. The population of 12 million people is considered the most disabled in the world with an estimated 20% of the population, or 1.2 million children, teens and adults that have suffered the effects of land mines and other war related injuries. These injuries include polio, which spreads quickly when vaccines are not available due to war.

The Wheelchair Foundation is proud to have Chevron as a sponsor of this 240 wheelchair delivery. Chevron’s long standing relationship with the government of Angola and a commitment to helping the communities in which they have a base of operation, have provided us with the ability to make this delivery happen. The logistical challenges that make a mission of this type difficult have been solved by the dedicated efforts of the Chevron employees in Luanda.

Chevron and the Wheelchair Foundation are taking the first steps toward helping the disabled people of Angola move themselves to a more productive and fulfilling life. Giving 240 people the gifts of hope, mobility and freedom is just the start.

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