
Testimonials from wheelchair recipients and volunteers.

Hi everyone:

I am Renzo Llontop, the Navy Lieutenant who was with you for 2 days in Lima. I write to thank you for being here in Peru, the work you do around the world is really the best job It could exist, to help other people without asking anything in return. I know you’ve had a tiring journey, but I want you to know that really worth it, because you bring happiness to people with disabilities, without whose support would perhaps bedridden or unable to move as they should do. You are an exceptional group, you have a big heart and I know God will bless you for all your life. It was very exciting to see how your work is reflected in the streets, seeing that lady in the main square happy going back to work, with a chair of the Wheelchair Foundation, chairs that were given by you, and improved their life’s quality. Just like that lady must be other 850,000 people in the world who can now enjoy the comfort of being able to move without problems.

You have left a mark on my heart, a mark of generosity and charity for others, I will never forget these days and neither you, be sure about that. I just want to ask 2 favors for you, the first, send me the pictures!! Unfortunately I didn’t take my camera with me these days, so I’ll ask you to share some pictures from your stay in Lima. The second favor is, please never stop doing what you are doing, if there were more people in the world like you, the world would be much much better.

Thanks for coming, thank you for making dreams come true, thanks for sharing these beautiful moments with us, thank you for changing my way of thinking. When you return to Peru, do not hesitate to let us know, here we will receive you with open arms again. I hope to be always in touch with you and the work you do. I don’t have the e-mail of all of you, so please forward this mail to the others. I have nothing further to say that thank you again.

Kisses and hugs for everyone.

Renzo Llontop Espinosa

P.S.: sorry for my bad English, I hope you can understand everything I want to say.

The Wheelchair Foundation recently received a touching letter from the fourth-grade school teacher of a young wheelchair recipient named Gabriella. We would like to share this letter, and the joy that it brings, with you as it provides a wonderful example of how together, we are making a difference. Thank you for supporting the Wheelchair Foundation in our efforts to improve the lives of children, like Gabriella, around the world. The letter:

I wanted you to know…

A change has come over Gabriella! She is much more independent, smiles more, and is talking more, and that last one is a miracle. She is writing more, and has more friends now, and well… that wheelchair has just made her feel more powerful and independent, and mobile, and capable. She loves being able to come to school on her own power and her mother is not pushing her in a baby stroller anymore. Her arms are getting stronger, and SHE is deciding when to walk, when to use the wheelchair, and when to use it like a walker. SHE gets around and does not have to wait for someone to push her.

Thank you so much for your gift that has affected us all in many very positive ways!

Denise Aiani
Justin Elementary School
Simi Valley, CA

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On behalf of the Masaya, Nicaragua; Soldotna Alaska, Foster City California, and Marion N.C. Rotary Clubs we would like to thank The Wheelchair Foundation for their commitment to provide Wheelchairs to the world. This successful project could not have happened without everyone working together! This project included an eight member team from Soldotna, Alaska Rotary Club, as well as a seven member team from Marion, N.C. and the Nicaraguan Rotary Clubs of Granada, Jinotepe, Managua (x2), Somoto, and Leon, assisted Masaya’s Rotary Club with 100 percent participation. Other organizations that assisted the Rotary Clubs were New Songs and Project H.O.P.E. coming together to make this project a success. This is what a Project is all about; people coming together and serving above themselves! We have impacted several thousand peoples’ lives and forever imbedded the banner “Serve Above Self” into everyone. The gift of mobility provides more than just the increased confidence, it also improves independency, an all around better quality of life and, it helps people take an active role to be a positive member of society.

Thank you all for all that you do, as well as the opportunity to serve Humanity,

Chuck Cook
Soldotna Rotary Club Representative

“Without the help and care of the Wheelchair Foundation and the Shuangliu County Disabled Persons’ Federation, I’m afraid that I would spend the rest of my life in the bed and never go out.” ,“I am so appreciative that the Wheelchair Foundation and Shuangliu County DPF provided me with a wheelchair to give me mobility. Now I really feel that life is great again .”…… These words are the inner confessions from the bottom of the heart from Zheng Wen Bin, a disabled 90-year-old woman living in Shuangliu County, Chengdu City.

image001In 2009, Zheng Wen Bin lost her walking function for age and infirmity as well as lost her eyesight more ten years ago due to an eye disease. She can only sleep in bed and wait for her children’s care. Zheng Wen Bin moaned and groaned all day long and lost the confidence of life in that she considers herself as a heavy burden of her children.

As soon as getting word about Zheng Wen Bin’s situation, the Shuangliu County DPF sent the missionary to her family to console and comfort her. Besides that, a new wheelchair was given to Zheng Wen Bin as a courage of life. Sitting in the wheelchair, Zheng Wen Bin gave thanks to the missionary repeatedly with her eyes full of moving tears.

In 2009, with the support of the Chengdu Disabled Persons’ Federation and the Wheelchair Foundation, the Shuangliu County DPF has distributed 130 wheelchairs to the disabled in total.

Zeng Ling Hui is a physically disabled woman living in Fulong Village Pengzhou City which is the harder-hit area of the 5.12 Earthquake in 2008. Unfortunately, she cannot afford a common wheelchair due to poverty and the only thing she can do is sit at home. The serious damage of a facility in the village caused by the disaster made Zeng Ling Hui’ s life even more difficult and the access of communications between her and the outside world has been cut off thoroughly.

image001But now she can go out freely to the vivid outside world in the wheelchair sent free by the Chengdu Disabled Persons’ Federation. She can often go downtown or to the market, talk with the villagers and witness the change around her. The wheelchair gives her the possibility to enjoy the bright sunshine, the colorful world and the warm love as well as improve the quality of her life.