
Articles from the Wheelchair Foundation headquarters in Danville, CA and major news source outlets.

The BimmerWorld Racing Team and the Wheelchair Foundation are teaming up for the remainder of the 2004 SPEED World Challenge Touring Car race season in an effort to both increase awareness and provide monetary support to further the Wheelchair Foundation’s effort. 

The Wheelchair Foundation is a nonprofit organization leading an international effort to create awareness of the needs and abilities of people with physical disabilities, to promote the joy of giving, create global friendship, and to deliver a wheelchair to every child, teen and adult in the world who needs one, but cannot afford one. For these people, the Wheelchair Foundation delivers Hope, Mobility and Freedom.

The BimmerWorld Racing Team has decided to donate a portion of the sponsorship space on the three cars and their transporter to the Wheelchair Foundation.  Additionally, drivers James Clay, Matt Richmond, and Seth Thomas have made the decision to donate a portion of their earnings this year to the foundation.

“This is very exciting news for both BimmerWorld and the Wheelchair Foundation,” says driver Seth Thomas.  “This will help me to be more motivated for the rest of the season to do well as the better I do then the more people the foundation will be able to help!  For every $75 the team donates this year, a wheelchair will be bought for someone who can’t afford one.”

Team owner and driver James Clay adds, “The Wheelchair Foundation is a great organization for us to work with this year.  We will not only be able to promote outside support for this great organization, but also make a strong direct impact by donating a percentage of our prize money from the year to the Wheelchair Foundation.”

More information on the BimmerWorld Racing team is available at www.bimmerworldracing.com.  SPEED World Challenge travels to Infineon Raceway in Sonoma, California July 16-18 for Rounds Four and Five of the 2004 Touring Car Championship.

little_men_smilingOctober 27, 2003, was a special day in Cambodia.  Contributions from the Wheelchair Foundation Organization and Latter-day Saint Charities provided 500 wheelchairs to the Cambodian Red Cross.  A program was held to honor some of these recipients.  Elder Daryl Garn, 2nd Counselor in the Asia Area Presidency, Sister Hughes, 1st Counselor in the General Relief Society Presidency and Gary Winters from Salt Lake City were among the honored guests present.

Several touching experiences have followed this program.  One of the staff brought a young man to the Service Center whom he met on the street and badly needed a wheelchair.  His legs were only about an inch around.  Elder & Sister Scholes were called and brought the wheelchair to him. 

He must have let others know where he got his wheelchair, as early the next morning one of the staff coming to work saw a group of people outside the Service Center that said they wanted a wheelchair.  Sister Day, who with her husband manage the Service Center, went to meet them.  She was shocked at the sight.  Some of them didn’t have arms, some didn’t have legs, and some had small stumps of legs with feet on the end.  One jumped off the cyclo and hobbled over and greeted her.  Each one followed with a Khmer greeting and a big smile.  They were most kind as they asked her for a wheelchair and said that if they had a wheelchair they could go to school.  She asked them if they could wait a few minutes while she made a phone call. 

Sister Day asked if she could take their picture and they graciously agreed.  She also gave them candy.  They each said “Thank you” in pretty good English.  The one little boy only had stubs of arms but unwrapped the candy and put it in his mouth.  Sister Day unwrapped the candy for another one.  They were so appreciative.  These young men were in ages from 13 to 19.

Coming back into the Service Center she called Elder & Sister Scholes and through emotions said, “There are four little people here to get wheelchairs.  What do I do?”
Elder & Sister Scholes said they would have to contact the Red Cross, since the Red Cross wasn’t allowing them to distribute any more wheelchairs by themselves.  The Red Cross wanted to participate in the distributions.  The Scholes gave the address of the Red Cross and mentioned that they would be there at 10 a.m. to meet with Dr. Sam Ath, the director.  They said they would watch for these people.

When they arrived at their meeting, there were no “little people” there.  They went in to talk to Dr. Sam Ath.  He reiterated that the wheelchairs were donated to the Red Cross and that they wanted to participate in all future distributions.  As the Scholes left his office and went downstairs they saw the four “little people” on the sidewalk.  Elder Scholes returned to Dr. Sam Ath’s office, told him there were some young men outside needing wheelchairs.  Elder Scholes asked, “What do you want to do with the young men downstairs?” He replied, “Send them up here!” Elder Scholes told him, “But you don’t understand.  These little people are only two feet high with no legs and can not get up the stairs.” He replied, “I will call the warehouse.  You can take them over and give them wheelchairs.”
In the meantime, Sister Scholes arranged to get some food for the boys and their mothers who accompanied them.  She purchased 7 meals of rice, meat and vegetables.  Elder & Sister Scholes loaded 7 people into the van and headed for the Red Cross warehouse.  They arrived during the “lunch hour” and had to wait a few minutes for the man to come and unlock the doors.  While waiting they unloaded everyone and took them to a table in the shade and gave them the lunches.  It was amazing to see how independent they were in feeding themselves.  The warehouse man arrived, brought out the 4 wheelchairs and helped set them up.  The boys were placed in the chairs, had their pictures taken for the Wheelchair Foundation records, then given a short talk about the three organizations that provided the chairs for them.  It was emphasized that the wheelchairs were to help them improve their lives and they were not to sell them.  The young men and their mothers were shocked at the suggestion that they might sell them.  They thanked us over and over again for the gift.  Elder Scholes suggested that they needed to thank the warehouse man from the Red Cross who took his time to get the chairs for them.  He was appropriately thanked.  The family loaded 3 of the chairs onto moto’s (small motorcycle) and sent them off to the King’s Palace where they were staying during the Water Festival.  The fourth boy did not have funds to hire a moto and started down the road wheeling his chair by himself.  The Scholes caught up with him and helped find a moto driver that would take him to the Palace and paid the $1 cost to the driver. 
There were no TV cameras and no media publicity, but this was one of the most heartwarming experiences we have had.  No publicity is needed when doing the Lord’s work, just the affirmation that we are helping to improve their lives.  When Sister Day was told what had happened she couldn’t hold back the tears.  This was a special experience for all of us.

It didn’t end here.  About a week later, another young man came to the Service Center seeking a wheelchair.  Again, Sister Day called Elder Scholes and asked what to do.  As instructed, the young man had to go to the Red Cross office.  Sister Day had one of the staff go with their driver to take him.  Dr. Sam Ath was out of the country but permission was given to get this young man a wheelchair.  However, he needed the Scholes’ signature.  The Scholes came to the Service Center and helped this young man get a chair.  When asked how he would get home, he said that a friend had brought him.  Outside the gate was one of the four young men we had helped the week before.  He had a small cart hooked to a bicycle that he could pedal with his hands.  We wondered what he had done with his wheelchair and if he might have sold it.  We had a Khmer person ask and he said, “Oh, I would never sell my wheelchair.  If you don’t believe me, come to my home.  I just had to bring my cart so I could bring my friend.” Tears filled our eyes and we had a huge lump in our throat for the generosity of a friend.  But, more tears were shed when we watched this young man in his new wheelchair hold onto the cart of his friend as he pedaled and pulled his friend down the road toward home.
Pictures of these young men are attached.  1. When we met them, 2. Transporting them to the warehouse, 3. In the wheelchairs.  4. The friend being “towed” home on his new wheelchair.  Having been in Cambodia for the wheelchair presentation, we think you will enjoy these pictures, and their stories.

Our second story has to do with a distribution to an island in the Mekong River near the City of Kampong Cham.

Dr Sam Ath called and told us we must go to the distribution of wheelchairs on an Island by Kampong Cham.  He didn’t ask us to go, he told us we “must”.  We had submitted the names for this distribution. They were given to us by a member who was raised on this island. We left at 5:30 am on a 2 1/2 hour drive to Kampong Cham in a small SUV (6 of us) because our van was too big to go across the Bamboo Bridge.  When we got to the bridge, we wondered how even a small car could safely cross.  The bridge has to be rebuilt every year after the rainy season and the river gets smaller.  During the rainy season, it is under water and you reach the island by ferry!  It is made of only bamboo and is about the width of a small car.  There is no passing on it, you just have to wait your turn to cross.  It is mostly used by motos and bikes.  That was an adventure just to cross it!
After driving around and through the villages on the Island, we found the Wat where the ceremony was to take place, but there were only about 11 people there and no wheelchairs.  However, we could soon see a boat coming down the river, carrying the wheelchairs.  To unload the 53 wheelchairs, two men had to carry them box-by-box up a long, steep cement bank.  We felt sorry for them…the boxes were almost as big as they were.  By the time we started the ceremony, another 10 people arrived.  A lot of them came in pony carts, as they were very disabled.  The man who drove us to the island is not a member of the Church, but he asked if he could speak to the people, this was the place where he was born and raised.  He spoke very positively about the church and it’s charitable efforts for the people of Cambodia.  He also told the people that we lived by the teachings of Jesus Christ and that they should live by them too.  By the time the ceremony was over, and we were ready to go, all but 19 people had showed up to get their wheelchair.  We delivered a couple more, one to our driver’s father and one to his aunt.  The Red Cross on the Island agreed to deliver the rest of the chairs.  It was very difficult for many of the disabled to get to the ceremony, the mode of transportation for most people doesn’t allow them to go very far from their homes.  The wheelchairs did provide them a new ability to at least get out of their homes and into the sunshine again. 

Then we got to have the fun ride back across the Bamboo Bridge!

Noah's BagelsWalnut Creek, California – The Wheelchair Foundation is delivering over 10,000 new wheelchairs per month to people with physical disabilities around the world, and joined efforts today with Noah’s Bagels to raise awareness for physically disabled people around the world who need a wheelchair but cannot afford one.

For the month of June, all 81 Noah’s Bagels stores will show their support by displaying a Wheelchair Foundation poster, literature and a donation container. In addition to the displays, Noah’s will also have a “Wheel of Prizes”. For a minimum $2 donation to the Wheelchair Foundation, a customer can spin the wheel to win such prizes as a dozen bagels, a cup of coffee or even bagels for a year! For a $5 donation, a customer can spin the wheel 3 times. For every customer donation of $75, the Wheelchair Foundation will deliver a wheelchair to a person in need.  “It is wonderful to have Noah’s Bagels work with us to raise awareness and help create mobility in the world; we look forward to an ongoing relationship with Noah’s,” said Mark Packard, Assistant Director of Public Education for the Wheelchair Foundation. Special thanks to Debbie Nelson and Dan Dominguez of the Walnut Creek office of Noah’s Bagels for their commitment and dedication to helping their community. The prize wheel will be appearing in different stores throughout the month of June. Please see participating stores for dates and details.

The Wheelchair Foundation, founded in 2000 by philanthropist Kenneth E. Behring, has delivered more than 250,000 wheelchairs in over 120 countries, with a goal of delivering one million wheelchairs in the next five years. An estimated 100 to 120 million physically disabled people worldwide need wheelchairs, though less than 1 percent own or have access to one. With the help of company’s like Noah’s, the Wheelchair Foundation hopes to give a wheelchair to every man, woman and child who needs one but cannot afford one.

As a result of allowing Sawtelle Travel Service & Cruise Desk (Since 1946) the privilege of planning your vacation, a wheelchair will be donated to a child in need somewhere in the world. In addition to a great vacation at a special value you’ll also receive a picture of the child enjoying the freedom of mobility for the very first time and a beautiful certificate in your name containing the child’s name, age and country.

For more information on donating wheelchairs through booking a vacation through Sawtelle Travel, click here.

hour_of_powerKenneth E. Behring, philanthropist and founder of the non-profit Wheelchair Foundation, appeared April 18 for the second time with Reverend Robert A. Schuller on the television program “Hour of Power,” broadcast from the Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, CA.

Mr. Behring first met Reverend Schuller a year ago when he visited the Crystal Cathedral. The two have since traveled together to participate in wheelchair distributions around the world.

“I was very honored to appear on the “Hour of Power” at the Crystal Cathedral with Dr. Schuller,” said Mr. Behring.  “Our messages are similar as we both are trying to help people and give hope to people throughout the world.”

The Wheelchair Foundation was established in 2000 with a grant from the Kenneth E. Behring Foundation.  Since its inception, it has delivered more than 225,000 wheelchairs in over 120 countries, with a goal of delivering one million wheelchairs in the next five years.

“When I interviewed him here last year, I discovered the tremendous need that the world has for wheelchairs,” said Reverend Schuller during Sunday’s broadcast.  “It is of epidemic proportions, but today there is somebody doing something about it.”

People with physical disabilities throughout the world require the use of a wheelchair for many reasons including accidents, birth defects, war injuries, debilitating diseases and advanced age.  An estimated 100 to 150 million physically disabled people worldwide need wheelchairs, though less than 1 percent own or have access to one.

Experts predict that individuals who need a wheelchair worldwide will increase by 22 percent in the next 10 years, with the greatest need existing in developing countries.

The Wheelchair Foundation and its partners are working to help ease the burden of those in need.

CLICK HERE to view the Hour of Power video clip