
Articles from the Wheelchair Foundation headquarters in Danville, CA and major news source outlets.

australia_rotary_woman_largePP Lyall Hood from Gosford West Rotary Club, the current voluntary Executive of Wheelchair Foundation Australia announced this month that with Rotary support, the WFA has received over $200,000 in donations.  This money has been raised by individuals and Rotary Clubs around Australia just in the last eighteen months.  From this fantastic Rotary support 2000 wheelchairs have been delivered to Samoa, Fiji and Papua New Guinea.

At the recent D9520 District Conference held at Broken Hill, $38,000 was raised in one evening.  When PP Lyall was asked what he thought of this amazing fundraising effort he said, It is a real pleasure to see the results of the generosity of Rotarians and Rotary Clubs.  On behalf of the WFA volunteers and the recipients of the wheelchairs, thank you so much.  PP Lyall, never lost for words, also told the audience at the D9520 District Conference that, If every Rotary Club in Australia gave $1000.00 per year to the WFA a supply of wheelchairs could be provided to developing countries in the Pacific at a rapid pace, sufficient to satisfy the mobility problem in the Pacific region.  The World Health Organisation figures state that 6% of Papua New Guinea requires a wheelchair.  The WFA is aiming to deliver over 100,000 wheelchairs to Papua New Guinea.  This will require constant fund raising efforts and a passion to achieve such a huge goal.  The WFA believes that with Rotary support, this is an achievable goal.

PP Lyall informed the District Conference that the wheelchairs delivered to these developing countries by WFA are brand new, purpose built and have a total commercial value of $1.3 million dollars.  The WFA has delivered the 2000 wheelchairs so amazingly cost effectively due to arrangements with manufacturers and shipping agents due to bulk purchasing.  The wheelchairs are bought and distributed via shipping containers.

Two containers have gone to Samoa, two to Fiji and three are on their way to Papua New Guinea.  The wheelchairs are distributed in country by Rotary Clubs and other non-government organisations.  PP Lyall reported that in June 2006, the Apia Rotary Club in Samoa worked in partnership with the Dr Stanley Dean from the Health Department to ensure those most in need received the wheelchairs.  From a container of 280 wheelchairs, the wheelchairs were distributed via various community channels.

Typically, the wheelchairs are delivered in small numbers to towns and villages.  Twelve wheelchairs were delivered to the Little Sisters of the Poor who gratefully received them.  For the first time, elderly Samoans with mobility problems will have the benefit of a wheelchair thanks to the Little Sisters of the Poor, WFA, and Rotarians who donated money for the purchase of wheelchairs.

PP Lyall sated that One wheelchair provides positive relief for at least five people the recipient of the wheelchair and the primary care givers of the recipient, normally family members, have their lives immediately improved.  Giving a wheelchair really changes lives.  He encourages all Rotarians and Rotary Clubs to donate funds to the WFA.  Lyall would like to invite Rotarians to take part in a wheelchair distribution in Papua New Guinea either in 2006, or by donating funds and participating in 2007 or in 2008.  This way, Rotarians can see the difference a wheelchair makes to the recipient – the reaction on the faces of those who receive a chair is priceless.

For further information contact Lyall Hood, Voluntary Executive Director WFA, ly***@go**************.au

hsca_largeHSCA (Human Service Charities Association) is an organization that works with governmental employees who wants to make charitable contributions through their pay checks.  Wheelchair Foundation has been a member with them since 2002.

Annually, billions of dollars are donated to charity by individuals giving at work. These contributions are either one-time gifts or are fulfilled through payroll deduction, a program where employees choose specific amounts to be deducted from their paychecks and specific charities to receive their gifts.

To visit the HSCA website, please click here.

Hofmann_Behring_President_Fox_April_2006_espanol_largePalabras del PRESIDENTE VICENTE FOX QUESADA durante la ceremonia de Donación de 20 mil Sillas de Ruedas, que tuvo lugar en el Salón Adolfo López Mateos, de la Residencia Oficial de Los Pinos.

Bien, jóvenes, bienvenidas, bienvenidos a esta su casa Los Pinos, casa de todas y de todos los mexicanos.

Hoy recibo con mucho cariño, con amor, con admiración a quienes hacen el favor de visitarnos, a quienes son un verdadero ejemplo de coraje, de fortaleza, un verdadero ejemplo de vida, que mucho nos inspira a todos los demás.

Bienvenidas y bienvenidos a esta su casa.

La satisfacción de dar, de ser para los demás no tiene límite, eso nos enriquece a quien da, a quien recibe.

Amigas y amigos:

En seis años, Kenneth y Ken han cambiado la vida de más de medio millón de personas, a través de la Fundación Wheelchair.

Esta es una prueba más de que la generosidad es una fuerza que transforma al mundo.

Como respuesta a una gestión del Instituto Nacional de las Personas Adultas Mayores, en abril pasado, estas dos personas, filántropos, nos visitaron aquí en Los Pinos, en esta casa de todos los mexicanos, para expresarnos su compromiso de aportar dos millones de dólares para la compra de sillas de ruedas y nos expresaron que una vez distribuidas éstas, va a haber más.

Este muy importante donativo forma parte de una campaña a la que significativamente llamaron: Movilidad y Amistad para México.

Hoy que comenzamos a distribuir esas sillas en todo el país quiero manifestar nuevamente en nombre del Gobierno y del pueblo de México nuestro reconocimiento para ambos.

Como bien dijo Benjamín Franklin: un hermano puede no ser amigo, pero un amigo siempre será un hermano.

Tenemos el gusto de que hoy nos acompañen Kenneth y en representación del señor Hoffman, Denis Constanza, sean muy bien bienvenidos y les pido que hagan llegar el agradecimiento de las familias mexicanas a sus generosos benefactores.

Todos hemos escuchado lo que significan esas sillas para José Francisco, para Carmen.

Esta actitud de optimismo se multiplicará ahora por 20 mil veces, generando una gran corriente de vitalidad y confianza.

Desde aquí le envío un caluroso abrazo a todos quienes van a recibir estas sillas y a sus familias.

En el México democrático crece y se fortalece la participación ciudadana.

A la generosidad de Kenneth y Ken se ha sumado el trabajo de la Fundación TELMEX, de quien constantemente oímos su filantropía, su deseo de apoyar las mejores causas de nuestro país.

Y no podemos olvidar al Club Rotario Internacional que, como siempre, trata de servir a los demás.

Y mi reconocimiento a muchas organizaciones de la sociedad civil que trabajan por estas buenas causas.

Ese trabajo nos muestra que la participación de la sociedad y de los ciudadanos se ha convertido en un valor fundamental de nuestra democracia, en un verdadero apoyo al Gobierno y su tarea.

Ustedes han asumido su responsabilidad social, han hecho la parte que les toca para convertir en realidad el sueño de muchas personas.

También hoy se demuestra que cuando se trabaja en equipo, cuando actuamos unidos atrás de una causa podemos hacer mucho más, podemos enfrentar cualquier reto en beneficio de los demás, podemos acelerar la construcción del bien común en nuestro país.

Yo estoy seguro de que vamos a seguir trabajando juntos para que todos, todos, adultos mayores, jóvenes, niños, mujeres, chiquillos, chiquillas con problema de movilidad cuenten, a la brevedad, con una silla que los ayude a integrarse mejor a la vida cotidiana.

Juntos, sociedad y Gobierno, vamos a encarar con éxito este reto.

El señor Hoffman ya ha ofrecido aportar adicionalmente una cantidad similar a la que se genere con donativos de instituciones mexicanas.

Así que aquí tenemos un reto todos, que bien podemos enfrentar y llegar tan lejos como asegurar que cada persona que en este país requiera, necesite de esa movilidad pueda tener acceso a ella.

Una sociedad democrática es incluyente y combate la discriminación, ofrece oportunidades; por eso, durante este Gobierno, los mexicanos hemos venido trabajando para incorporar a las personas con alguna discapacidad.

Hemos promovido la accesibilidad en los inmuebles, edificios, instalaciones del Gobierno Federal, comenzamos por esta casa, por Los Pinos.

De modo que estamos listos para recibir a las personas con problemas de movilidad en los edificios públicos y aquí.

También avanzamos en la realización de adecuaciones en la infraestructura del transporte aéreo y de transporte terrestre; además tenemos ya el Proyecto de la Norma Mexicana de Accesibilidad a los Espacios Públicos.

Este proyecto es la base para reglamentar la construcción de elementos como rampas, barandales, señalización en todos los edificios públicos del país.

Hemos lanzado con mucho éxito el Programa de Empresas Incluyentes, que no sólo den acceso a la movilidad, sino que den empleo, como ya lo están haciendo en muchas de estas fábricas e instalaciones comerciales.

Y la Oficina para Atender y Promover el Apoyo a las Personas con Discapacidad ha estado muy activa durante estos años, trabajando en distintos frentes, junto con las personas con capacidades diferentes que mucho nos enseñan y de quienes mucho aprendemos todos los días.

Estos avances se derivan del nuevo marco jurídico, creado por la Ley General de las Personas con Discapacidad, con el fin de promover la equidad, la accesibilidad, la integración, el respeto, el reconocimiento a las diferencias y los consecuentes apoyos presupuestales, ahora es una ley en nuestro país.

Amigas y amigos:

No hay democracia sin participación y solidaridad, participación y corresponsabilidad son esenciales para nuestra democracia, participación y corresponsabilidad fortalecen a México y sus ciudadanos; unidad y cumplimiento con la ley son esenciales para la consolidación de nuestra democracia y fortalecimiento de nuestras instituciones.

Así en democracia, todas y todos los mexicanos tienen derecho a integrarse plenamente a la sociedad, tienen derecho a la salud, a la educación, a contar con un empleo y con una vivienda digna.

Invito a todos aquí presentes, a todas y a todo el país a fortalecer la participación ciudadana, a asumir responsabilidades, a apoyar y ser para los demás, así ampliamos la cultura solidaria y promovemos juntos la equidad.

Redoblemos el esfuerzo de sociedad y Gobierno para poner al alcance de toda la gente con capacidades diferentes más sillas de ruedas, más apoyos que les permitan integrarse plenamente a la familia, más empleos, más apertura y acceso a las escuelas, al conocimiento, al trabajo, al deporte.

Continuemos impulsando una sociedad más humana, más solidaria dispuesta a dar y no sólo a recibir.

Sigamos construyendo juntos una cultura de la generosidad y de la protección y apoyo a los más necesitados.

Es bueno dar cuando nos piden, es mejor si la comprensión se anticipa a la solicitud de ayuda.

Como ha dicho Kenneth: cuando veo la felicidad en los ojos de la persona que recibe una silla de ruedas, siento que es lo más grande que he logrado en mi vida.

Muchas gracias nuevamente a todos por participar en la construcción de un México más democrático y justo, más igualitario e incluyente.

Estoy seguro de que las familias no olvidarán a quienes hoy han hecho posible una vida mejor para sus seres queridos, a quienes hoy demuestran una vez más que la solidaridad y la generosidad nos hermana y nos acerca, nos hace más humanos.

En efecto, la fraternidad nos lleva a reconocer y a valorar en los otros nuestra propia humanidad.

A ustedes muchas felicidades, a ustedes muchas gracias y que Dios bendiga a todas y a todos.

Hofmann_Behring_President_Fox_April_2006_largeWords from VICENTE FOX QUESADA during a ceremonial donation of 20,000 wheelchairs, which took place in the Adolfo Lopez Mateos room of Los Pinos, the official presidential residence.

Well, youth, welcome to your house, Los Pinos, home of all Mexicans.

Today I receive with lots of affection, love, and admiration those who give us the pleasure of their visit, those who are a true example of courage, strength and a real example of life that inspire the rest of us.

Welcome, this is your house.

The satisfaction of giving to others has no limit; it enriches the ones who give, and the ones who receive.


In six years Kenneth and Ken have changed the lives of over half million people through the Wheelchair Foundation.

This is not only a proof of generosity but a force that transforms the world.

As a response to a gesture from the National Institute for Elderly this past April, Kenneth and Ken, the philanthropists, visited us here at Los Pinos, the home of all Mexicans, to express their commitment to donate two million dollars to buy wheelchairs, and they stated that once these wheelchairs are distributed there will be more.

This very important donation is part of a campaign that is appropriately called: mobility and friendship for Mexico.

Today we begin to distribute the wheelchairs around the country and I want to state once more our gratitude to both of you in the name of the Mexican government and its people.

Like Benjamin Franklin said: a brother may be a friend, but a friend will always be a brother.

We have the pleasure that Kenneth is with us today, and in representation of Ken Hofmann, Mr. Dennis Costanza. Be very welcome and I ask that you receive the thank you of all the Mexican families.

We have all heard what these wheelchairs mean to Jose Francisco and Carmen.

This optimistic attitude will now multiply 20 thousand times, generating a great movement of vitality and confidence.
All the way from here I send to all of you who are receiving these wheelchairs and to your families a warm hug.

In a democratic Mexico citizen participation strengthens and grows.

Joining in the generosity of Kenneth and Ken was the work of the Telmex Foundation, of whose philanthropy we hear constantly and who desires to support the worthiest causes in our country.

And we cannot forget the International Rotary Clubs that always try to serve others.

And I know of many civil society organizations that also work for these good causes.

This work shows us that the participation of civil society and citizens has become a fundamental value of our democratic society, and it is a true support to the government and its tasks.

You all have assumed your social responsibility; you have done your part to convert the dreams of many people into reality.

We have also seen today that when we work as a team, when we act jointly for a cause, we can accomplish so much more, we can confront any challenges to benefit those in need, and we can accelerate the creation of the common good in our country.

I am sure that we will continue to work together so that all, seniors, teenagers, boys and girls, and women who have a physical disability can very soon count on receiving a wheelchair that helps them get through life in an easier way.

Together, society and government, we will successfully overcome this challenge.

Mr. Hofmann has already offered to match the amount that is raised from Mexican institutions.

So here we all have a challenge that we are willing to face and overcome so that we can assure that every person in this country that requires and needs mobility can have access to one.

A democratic society is an inclusive one that combats discrimination and offers opportunities; because of that, during this administration, we Mexicans have been working to include people with disabilities.

We have promoted accessibility in houses and buildings, and in installations of the federal government beginning with this house, Los Pinos.

Hence we are ready to receive people with physical disabilities in public buildings and here.

We are also moving forward in adapting the air and ground transport infrastructure; in addition we already have a project of Mexican Norms of Accessibility of Public Spaces.

This project is the base to create construction rules that we will apply to ramps, bar rails, and elevators in all public buildings in our country.

We have successfully launched a program of Inclusive Businesses that not only gives access to wheelchairs but also gives employment, as is already happening in so many factories and commercial enterprises.

And the office that helps and promotes support for people with disabilities has been very active during these past few years, working on various fronts along with people with different abilities, who teach us a lot and from whom we learn everyday.

These advances come from new legal rules, created by the General Law regarding disabled people, with the goal to promote equality, accessibility, integration, respect, recognition of differences, and established budgetary support, which is now a law in our country.


Without participation there is no democracy; participation and responsibility are essential for our democracy; participation and responsibility make Mexico and it citizens stronger; unity and abiding by the law are essential for the solidity of our democracy and for the strengthening of our institutions.

In a democracy, all Mexicans have the right to integrate fully into society, they have right to the health, to education, to employment and to dignified housing.

I invite all here present as well as the whole country to strengthen civil participation, to assume responsibilities, and to support and be there for others. This way we extend the culture of solidarity, and together we promote equality.

Let’s double the efforts of society and government to put within reach more wheelchairs to all the people with different capacities, more support that allows them to integrate fully with their family, more employment, and more openings and access to schools, to knowledge, to work, and to sports.

We will continue to strive for a more humane and united society, ready to give and not only to receive.

Let’s keep on constructing a culture of generosity, and one that protects and supports the neediest.

It is good to give when asked for help but it is better to give before one is being asked.

Like Kenneth has said: When I see the happiness in the eyes of a person who receives a wheelchair, I feel like it is the biggest accomplishment of my life.

Many thanks once again to everyone for participating in the construction of a Mexico that is more democratic and just, and more equal and inclusive.

I am sure that the families will not forget those who today have made possible a better life for their loved ones, to whom they demonstrate today once again that solidarity and generosity unites us as brothers and brings us close, making us more human.

In effect, this brotherhood leads us to recognize and value in others our own humanity.

Many congratulations to you, many thanks and that God bless all of you.

The Saamis Rotary Club of Medicine Hat, Alberta, just added this coin collection in the local mall to raise funds to send wheelchairs to Villahermosa, Mexico, in partnership with the local Rotary club. Other supporting groups are the Medicine Hat chapter of the ‘Desert Dolls’, a women’s motorcycle group.

Thank you to the continuing support from the Rotarians and whole community of Medicine Hat!