
DULCE MILAGROS_normalDecember 21, 2005 was a different day in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico. The Transmex facilities changed their routine. The drivers and workers exchanged their heavy loads for some light boxes. The drivers’ characteristic fast pace was replaced by a calm walk, and instead of driving heavy trailers, they drove red wheelchairs. Transmex, for one day, stopped delivering machinery and goods, and instead delivered hope.

There were people from different institutions like DIF in representation of the City Hall, Executives of Transmex, and people that never dreamt of going inside this important company. We got this story from an anonymous witness.

“I like large trucks. I dream of driving one when I am an adult. On my way to school, I stop by Transmex. Its doors are always closed, and the security personnel do not allow nosy kids to enter. I wonder what can be inside? From the opposite sidewalk, I see the trailers leaving, loaded with machinery, large boxes containing food and different goods. The drivers look very serious and proud of their trucks. In the back, I can see the very busy workers with their forklifts, feeding the trucks. That’s an interesting world.

“On December 21, I go as always, running to arrive on time at school, but something is happening at Transmex. No trucks are leaving, the doors are open, and strange people arrive, some without legs, some crawling, others who have to be held. Some look sick. I approach the door, and enter without problems. The guards smile. Is this the end of the world?!?!?

“On this day, the drivers don’t handle their trucks, they handle red wheelchairs, and the workers don’t lift heavy loads, they move white boxes where you can read, “Wheelchair Foundation,” and they have a globe painted on. In the back, there is a banner. I read again, “Wheelchair Foundation, Swift-Transmex and DIF.” This must be a party, since there are snacks, sodas and balloons. There are some very elegant people. They have to be the owners of Transmex, perhaps people from the Government. They are delivering wheelchairs to the special people. Among them I see my three classmates, Joseelyn, Itati, and Betzi. They are 11, 10 and 9 years old. Their mother says they have “bones of crystal,” an illness that results in very fragile bones that can break very easily. These girls can’t play the way the other children can. When they’re very sick, they miss school because they can’t walk and their parents don’t have a car. Now, they are happy, smiling, clapping, and they learn to handle their wheelchairs very easily. No longer do they have to miss classes, and they can share outdoor activities with us. Now, they have wings!

“Farther away I see Bryan, a 4-year-old boy who lost a leg in a train accident. It was a great tragedy. Today, his eyes shine again. He will be able to play with his brothers and to return to the Children’s Garden.

“This is a great festival of mobility. All of them are happy with their wheelchairs.

“Dulce’s Mother cries with joy. Dulce is a 6-year-old girl. Her mother says she will no longer have to crawl. Now she can play with her cousins and sisters. Neither will she have to remain at home because mama can no longer carry her.

“Ramiro, who lost his leg due to diabetes, cries with happiness. He now has his personal taxi and can go to the church to teach catechism, reading, and writing to adults.

“Transmex, for one day, abandons the delivery of machinery and goods for the delivery of hope. Today, I didn’t go to school to learn math, but I learned how magnificent it is to share, and that a wheelchair changes not only a life but the life of a family. I also learned that people cry for happiness and gratitude!”

ken_bui_smilingI know something about suffering, and I know something about hope. 

In 2000, I went to Viet Nam to distribute wheelchairs to physically disabled people. Our party travelled to a small village outside of Hanoi to deliver a wheelchair to a little girl, Bui Thi Huyen. Because of her disability, she had never been able to move herself. She sat terrified and crying on a pile of old rags in her parents’ house. I gave her lollipops, but that did not seem to help. We put her in a wheelchair outside and I showed her how to place her hands on the wheel rims and to move around. She was frightened and tearful, but finally she moved the wheelchair by herself. Then she broke into the biggest smile I have ever seen. All of us around her clapped and cheered.  In a few moments, we had transformed a girl on a pile of rags into a girl who could move about on her own, opening up a whole new life to her. We had given her mobility, freedom, and hope.

That was not the first time I had seen suffering, nor will it be the last. I grew up in the United States in the Great Depression, and saw families suffer from lack of food and shelter. My own parents had lost their farm. But it was not until I witnessed terrible physical suffering in the world that I decided to try to do something about it. I came out of the Depression a very determined and driven young man.

I grew up in rural Wisconsin. And to help make money for my family and myself, I cut grass, delivered newspapers and worked in local stores. My first job after college was selling cars; eventually, I scraped together enough money to open a used car dealership. Soon, through hard work, I opened other dealerships and was on my way to a successful career. By the time I was 30 years old I had sold my business, made my first fortune and had lived the American dream. But that was just the beginning. Seeking warmer weather, I moved to Florida, where I started to build a house for my wife Pat and my five sons. When someone offered to buy it at a big profit before it was finished, I sold it and discovered the potential of the home-building business. In Florida and later in California, I made another fortune in home-building. By the time I was 65, I owned a huge mansion, my own private jet plane and even a professional football team, the Seattle Seahawks. I had everything so everyone thought.

To the outside world, I was a rich, successful businessman, but inside I felt empty. I had all the money I could ever want, all the accomplishments I could ever achieve, and yet something was missing. Material possessions and success did not make me happy or fulfilled. I felt my life had no meaning, no true purpose. At the time, I was flying around the world on my jet, making frequent trips to Africa on hunting safaris. On those trips, my guides would take me to visit schools and health clinicsfacilities that often operated in poor conditions so I began taking medical and school supplies to them on my trips. When charitable organizations learned that I was making these deliveries, one asked me to bring a load of food and supplies to Eastern Europe. The shipment included about half a dozen wheelchairs.

At a stop in Romania, the relief workers invited me on their delivery to a hospital. The director introduced me to an elderly man who had suffered a stroke and could not walk any more. I told him I had brought him a wheelchair so that he would be able to move on his own again. When I helped lift him into the wheelchair, he started to cry.  Through his tears, he explained that he would be free to leave his house to visit with his neighbours when he returned home. All I could say to him was, “I’m happy we could help you”. I was deeply moved. I was stunned that this man and others like him were denied the smallest pleasures – to go outside, sit in the sun, talk with friends – because of their disabilities. The simple gift of a wheelchair had transformed the man’s life.

And it transformed mine. After my trip to Viet Nam and another one to deliver wheelchairs to Guatemala, I decided to start the Wheelchair Foundation. For a small donation, we would deliver a wheelchair to a physically disabled person anywhere in the world. I had found my purpose.  Today, with the support of the United States Government and many non-profit organizations, including the Rotary Clubs and the Knights of Columbus, we are the largest international charitable organization doing this work. Since 2000, we have delivered nearly 400,000 wheelchairs in more than 130 countries.

This mission has brought me in contact with some of the most amazing, inspiring and courageous people on earth:  Xie Yanhong, a Chinese citizen who was born without the use of his legs and who used his wheelchair to travel to England, where he became the first physically disabled person to swim the English Channel; a man in Afghanistan who lost his legs in a landmine explosion and who wanted a wheelchair so that he could go back to work to support his wife and six children; a blind boy in Mexico named Angel, who left me speechless when he told me after we gave him a wheelchair, “I will see you in heaven”; and in South Africa, Nelson Mandela, who is a member of our international Board of Advisors, as are King Juan Carlos of Spain and Mikhail Gorbachev of the Russian Federation.  [You can read more about these incredible people, their stories and the work of the Wheelchair Foundation in my autobiography, Road to Purpose, published in 2004.]

With the Wheelchair Foundation now well established (https://rep.iqj.mybluehost.me), my newest philanthropic cause is clean water. Water sustains life, and safe drinking water is an absolute precondition for overall health and well-being. Many people in developing countries end up in wheelchairs because of unclean water.  According to the United Nations, almost 1.1 billion people have inadequate access to safe water and 2.6 billion are without appropriate sanitation. In real-life terms, that means that 4 of every 10 people in the world do not have access to basic sanitation and nearly 2 in 10 have no source of safe drinking water.

Recognizing that Governments alone cannot address the world’s growing water and sanitation crisis, I have started the WaterLeaders Foundation (http://www.waterleaders.org), which will strive to elevate water and sanitation issues to a more prominent level of global concern to attract serious and sustained funding levels across donors, foundations and the public and private sectors. Its efforts will also focus on resources and organizations in order to maximize their impact. For example, it will initially focus on efforts to deliver appropriate clean drinking water purification technologies to schools in need. Currently, it is researching
small water treatment systems, utilizing ultra filtration, distillation and reverse osmosis, and supporting prototype design and development.

WaterLeaders plans to have a suite of lightweight, durable, low-energy and low-cost technologies available within the next year to deploy in the most cost-effective manner to the appropriate communities. Its initial pilots will be located in China, with expansion to Mexico, Africa and other high priority global regions in need. Finally, WaterLeaders will collaborate with institutions with an interest in water and sanitation to include the development of joint projects and public/private partnerships and offer a clearinghouse of best practices from the field. This effort will include linking together organizations, such as donors, foundations, non-governmental organizations, communities and other stakeholders, to help them achieve their goals.

Our work delivering wheelchairs is far from over, unfortunately.  And our work in providing people with clean, safe water is just beginning. But my journey on my “road to purpose” continues. I hope you will join me on the trip.

Kenneth E. Behring is founder of the Wheelchair Foundation, the WaterLeaders Foundation, the Blackhawk Museum and the Behring-Hofmann Educational Institute.  The owner of the football team, he also established the Seattle Seahawks Charitable Foundation, which benefits children’s charities. He has pledged millions of dollars to the Smithsonian Museum, receiving the prestigious James Smithson Award in recognition of his generosity and vision.  Mr. Behring has made it his personal mission to help those in need, donating food, medical supplies, clothing and educational materials, in the most impoverished nations.

Reprinted with permission of UN Chronicle

DSCF0011_mainThe Wheelchair Foundation would like to thank Mrs. Vamvouris’s 5th Grade students from Greenbrook Elementary in Danville, California for their support of the Wheelchair Foundation.  After working hard collecting and recycling cans to raise money, the students raised enough to sponsor four wheelchairs.  Following a brief presentation about the Wheelchair Foundation, the students gathered around the television to watch the video “I Want To Live”.  They were, as one student said, “touched” by the video and were amazed of the conditions and circumstances children their age lived in throughout the world.  Thanks again for your support and know that because of your generosity you have provided hope, mobility, and freedom to four children around the world.

DSCF0003_mainWith the holidays upon us and children’s Christmas lists filled with the likes of the iPod shuffle, Game Boy Micro, and Xbox 360, there are three children from Pleasanton, CA with an attitude of gratitude and chose to give rather than receive.  For the past year and a half the children have been putting their spare change in a large bucket every time they go to visit grandma.  On Tuesday, November 22nd the Wheelchair Foundation was honored to be visited by Ryan Snyder, 10 year old student at Walnut Grove Elementary, Rachel and Emilie Kapp, 11 and 12 year old students at Harvest Park Middle School, and their proud grandmother and father.  They also brought with them a Safeway shopping bag filled with change they have been saving.  Inside the bag was $225 in small bills and change which they generously gave to sponsor three wheelchairs to children less fortunate than them throughout the world. 

Ryan, Rachel, and Emilie began to understand a little bit about how blessed they are to be mobile and to walk freely after they toured the Wheelchair Foundation Gallery at the Blackhawk Plaza.  Their eyes were opened to a whole new world as they looked at photos of children from developing countries that were crawling on the ground to go to school and church.  Teenagers with only one leg because while out playing with friends they accidentally stepped on a landmine and lost a limb.  And adults that were born physically disabled and have never gone outside their homes. 

The Wheelchair Foundation would like to thank the Snyder’s and the Kapp’s for their support of the Foundation.  The Wheelchair Foundation has currently distributed over 400,000 wheelchairs in more than 140 countries. 

*The Foundation is confident that Ryan, Rachel, and Emilie will get many of the items on their Christmas list this year because they truly have been “nice”, not “naughty”.*

cheryl photo5_mainA shipment of 560 wheelchairs arrived in Pakistan and was delivered shortly after the earthquake there. The shipment was arranged earlier through a donation from an expatriate Pakistani organization in New York. It arrived in the port of Karachi early in September. The wheelchairs were being transported from Karachi to Islamabad just after the earthquake struck.

Islamabad, the capital city, is 65 miles south of the epicenter of the earthquake. We were able to establish early on that our receiving partner was in good health and functioning, although deeply shocked. It immediately became apparent that the wheelchairs would be needed. Numerous people were injured by collapsing buildings when the earthquake shook them down. An unfortunately large number, already estimated at over 70,000, were killed in the quake. Many more were injured, and many of those injuries will require wheelchairs for those injured by falling buildings and by landslides. It’s a fortunate bit of timing that allowed the Wheelchair Foundation to be able to provide that help almost from the first moment.

This effort is not complete. Much more still needs to be done, as many more people will require short and long term aid. This will involve medical aid, food and water, and shelter in the short term, especially with the harsh winter approaching. In the long term, more permanent shelter will be required, and many of the injured will need wheelchairs and other medical equipment. Wheelchair Foundation is ready to contribute, with your assistance.