
Andy & Jackie Duhon invite you to a Italian Cajun Wine for Wheels Party at their home in Garland, Texas. For additional information call Jackie at (214) 883-8410.

What happens when you get an Italian to host a party? Fun! Get together with friends for an evening, and at the same time positively change someone’s life!
The Dallas Chapter of The Wheelchair Foundation is hosting an evening of Wine, Food and Fun to raise money for people in need of mobility in third world countries like Haiti and Chile.
Most of us take the ability to get around for granted, but imagine having to drag yourself along the ground to go anywhere. With Wine for Wheels, every $1 raised goes directly to the purchase and delivery of a Wheelchair for a person in need.
For the event just bring a special bottle of wine to share (it does not have to be expensive), and a $25 per person or more donation. Please pay online or by cash or check payable to the Wheelchair Foundation at the event. All donations are tax deductible.
Great food will be served.
Dress Casual.
To make a difference and have an enjoyable evening, please join us. If you were at our last event you know how much fun it was, and that we raised enough to buy approximately 100 wheelchairs. We need your help to to it again.
Watch this three minute video on the Wheelchair Foundation mission. www.wheelchairfoundation.org/deliveries_videos/embedded_video.php? video_id=12&video_type=revver
If you cannot attend, but still would like to donate, donate online below or send check made out to the Wheelchair Foundation and mail it to Andy & Jackie at 913 Clack Drive, Garland, TX 75044.
General Admission: $25
VIP Admission: $75
Sellout Max:  150

Saturday, April 17th, 2010

913 Clack Drive, Garland, TX 75044

Pictured, from left: Filmmaker Steven Barber, athlete Geoffrey Erickson, John Paul DeJoria of Paul Mitchell Systems, and athletes Edwin Figueroa and Chris Kohler. Barber made a documentary on the three athletes who compete in wheel chair races, including a grueling 267-mile race throughout Alaska. Photo by Tamara Henry

The documentary “Unbeaten” follows five parapalegic wheelchair racers on a 267-mile monster race through Alaska.

By Melonie Magruder / Special to The Malibu Times

Telling the tales of the underdog seems to be a specialty of local filmmaker Steven C. Barber. Last year, the local documentarian assembled a team to tell the story of Leon Cooper, the Malibu vet who fought to honor his fellow soldiers who died in the World War II battle of Tarawa. This year, Barber is profiling some of America’s most accomplished and unrecognized athletes in his documentary, “Unbeaten.”

The film follows five paraplegic wheelchair racers on a 267-mile monster race through the mountainous passes of Denali National Park and Preserve, from Fairbanks to Anchorage, Alaska, in a journey that challenges not only the determination of the athletes themselves, but the world’s perception of what is accomplishable by someone who is “disabled.”

“I didn’t start out thinking this was going to be some big inspiring film,” Barber said in an interview with The Malibu Times. “I got to talking with this guy in a wheelchair, Geoff Erickson, who fixed the brakes on my buddy’s car and found out he was training for this big race. He needed sponsorship and I said I’d see what I could do to help.”

Barber went to watch Erickson participate in a race in San Diego and met a couple of other wheelchair racers, Chris Kohler and Edwin Figueroa. He was floored by the power and excitement of the competition and immediately went to see an old friend, Malibu philanthropist and CEO of John Paul Mitchell Systems, John Paul DeJoria.

“Like 99 percent of the American public, I didn’t know anything about disabled athletes,” Barber said. “When I told J.P. about the race, he said right off he would sponsor a team. After I started shooting some footage I thought would be good for marketing, I realized that there might be a documentary here.”

The athletes use specially designed wheelchairs and “hand cycles” to cover punishing miles of road race. While in Alaska, Barber met elite racers Oscar “Oz” Sanchez, the current Paralympic gold medalist and world’s fastest hand cyclist, and Alejandro Albor, a Paralympic silver medalist. Their stories became integral in the film as Barber ended up transitioning from Alaska to Sanchez’s and Albor’s quest to win medals in the 2008 Beijing Paralympics.

In Alaska, the mountainous scenery is as stunning as the mental discipline of the 31 athletes and Barber knew his footage was gold. He went back to Mitchell, saying, “I think we got something more here than a YouTube video,” and proposed developing a documentary. Mitchell immediately wrote a check. Barber then hit his Rolodex, showing the same dogged tenacity in securing funding for his documentary as he did convincing talk show host Larry King into featuring Leon Cooper on his evening broadcast.

“Out of a thousand billionaires on this planet, I managed to get six of them to contribute to this film,” Barber said. “I got money from such diverse sources-Steve Forbes, Eli Broad, Pamela Anderson, Cher. They all opened up their checkbooks. I even got one big movie star from Malibu to donate, but he said he’d kill me if I publicized his name.”

Barber was riding high. Then, the economy went bust. Even though the Paralypmic team members were invited to the White House for recognition by George and Laura Bush, the project sat on the shelf for a year, while Barber pursued his documentary on Cooper, which aired on the Military Channel last year and was followed by some high profile press, such as their appearance on Larry King’s show last December. Out of the blue, Barber got a call from Polaris Media Group and ultimate producing partner, Greg Strom.

“They saw the Larry King appearance and signed on,” Barber said. “Then [county music star] Clint Black offered a song and Dan Aykroyd offered to narrate. It all came together.”

Despite the daunting tab of $35,000 to screen a film for a week in Los Angeles to qualify for Oscar consideration, Barber managed to do so and is in the running for a Best Documentary nod at next year’s Academy Awards ceremony. They screened “Unbeaten” at the Sundance Film Festival in January to great acclaim.

In a phone interview from a Bahamian vacation, DeJoria said of Barber, “Steven’s original idea was to take a bunch of people who certainly have challenges and show how very ‘abled’ they are. Two hundred and seventy-five miles? These guys are heroes! And people need to hear that message.”

Last month Barber was notified by Col. Norvell Coots, commander of the Walter Reed Army Medical Center, that they will show “Unbeaten” at a special premiere for injured service members and their families, as well as give “Unbeaten” awards to three soldiers who exemplify the courage of overcoming disability. Rep. Jim Langevin of Rhode Island, who is in a wheelchair, is staging a premiere on Capitol Hill for his congressional colleagues.

“My movie is not about a bunch of disabled people,” Barber said. “It’s about incredible athletes who say, ‘OK, I lost my legs, but you go on.’ You get busy living or you get busy dying.”

Sanchez was a Marine Corps veteran of multiple tours in 2001 when he was involved in a motorcycle accident that left him paralyzed. Pulling himself out of post-injury depression, he took a business administration degree from San Diego State University and started training with a hand cycle. In the 2008 Paralympics in Beijing, he took gold and bronze medals.

“The Alaska race really shows you what you can accomplish after hitting a wall,” Sanchez said. “Hopefully, movies like Steven’s will awaken some awareness in this country of a whole class of athletes that are ignored.”

Sanchez traveled this week to race in Dubai and to continue his motivational speaking tour. Barber headed off to Vancouver to promote the Paralympic Winter Games (which traditionally follow the Olympic Games).

“My goal is to raise the profile of the ‘differently-abled’ athlete,” Barber said. “When you watch them race, there’s nothing disabled about it.”

More information about “Unbeaten” can be found online at www.umbeatenthemovie.com

SOURCE: Malibu Times

On behalf of the Masaya, Nicaragua; Soldotna Alaska, Foster City California, and Marion N.C. Rotary Clubs we would like to thank The Wheelchair Foundation for their commitment to provide Wheelchairs to the world. This successful project could not have happened without everyone working together! This project included an eight member team from Soldotna, Alaska Rotary Club, as well as a seven member team from Marion, N.C. and the Nicaraguan Rotary Clubs of Granada, Jinotepe, Managua (x2), Somoto, and Leon, assisted Masaya’s Rotary Club with 100 percent participation. Other organizations that assisted the Rotary Clubs were New Songs and Project H.O.P.E. coming together to make this project a success. This is what a Project is all about; people coming together and serving above themselves! We have impacted several thousand peoples’ lives and forever imbedded the banner “Serve Above Self” into everyone. The gift of mobility provides more than just the increased confidence, it also improves independency, an all around better quality of life and, it helps people take an active role to be a positive member of society.

Thank you all for all that you do, as well as the opportunity to serve Humanity,

Chuck Cook
Soldotna Rotary Club Representative

The Vice-President, Mr John Dramani Mahama, has directed institutions responsible for issuing permits for public buildings not to do so for buildings that are not designed to make them accessible to the physically challenged.


The Vice-President, Mr John Dramani Mahama, has directed institutions responsible for issuing permits for public buildings not to do so for buildings that are not designed to make them accessible to the physically challenged. 

He said although the Disability Law had been promulgated, permits were still issued on buildings which had disregarded the needs of people with physical challenges. 

Mr Mahama gave the directive when he presented more than 100 wheelchairs and accessories to physically challenged persons in Tamale at the weekend. 

The items were donated by the Wheelchair Foundation based in the United States of America (USA) and the Rotary Club of Tamale to better the lives of the vulnerable. 

He recalled that the Mills government, after the passage of the law, directed that all public building should be designed to give access to the challenged, but noted that the directives had not been strictly adhered to. 

“I want to reiterate the directive by President Mills that those responsible for giving permits, as well as architects and designers, must make room for such buildings,” he stressed. 

The Vice-President expressed concern about how people, particularly schoolchildren, had to struggle on daily basis to gain access to public buildings and their schools, adding that “I therefore asked for the strict enforcement of that law.” 

Mr Mahama appealled to parents not to confine their physically challenged children to the streets to beg for alms, stressing that the role of such children was not to beg, but they should be allowed to reach their full potential in terms of education. 

He said education had been made free from the basic to the university level for challenged children and urged parents to take advantage of that gesture and send their children to school, stressing that “parents of the disabled have no excuse now not to send their children to school”. 

Mr Mahama noted that physically challenged persons had contributed a lot to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) hence the need to support their course. 

He said there were a lot of challenged persons who were contributing significantly to all sectors of the economy and stressed the need for the public “to change our perception about people with disability”. 

The Northern Regional Minister, Mr Bukari Moses Mabengba, commended the Rotary Wheelchair Foundation of Rotary International for the donation. 

He said his outfit was committed to harnessing all productive labour, including the physically challenged, in order to build a better Ghana, adding that no section or group would be marginalised in the society. 

The President of the Rotary Club of Tamale, Mr Joseph A. Mumuni, said the Rotary Club of Tamale and its partners had spent more than $1.6 million over the past two years in the areas of health, water and sanitation in the three northern regions. 

SOURCE: Graphic Ghana

Oakland, CA – The East Bay Regional Park District has partnered with wheelchair hiker and motivational speaker Bob Coomber, aka 4WheelBob, to provide an online hiking series geared toward accessible hiking trails, titled “Adventures with 4WheelBob.” Coomber will profile flat or slightly graded trails in the East Bay Regional Park District that can accommodate wheelchairs, mobility devices, parents with strollers, young children on bikes, or anyone looking for a pleasant place to enjoy nature and the outdoors. As an added bonus, Coomber will also highlight a “challenge” hike of greater length and ability. Adventures with 4WheelBob can be found on the East Bay Regional Park District’s website under a Feature (photo) box on the right side of the webpage or by typing www.ebparks.org/bobcoomber. Additional hikes will be updated monthly on the website.

Coomber is well-known in the East Bay as an active hiker, writer, and speaker. He became disabled after a long struggle with diabetes caused severe and irreversible osteoporosis. A lifelong hiker, Bob soon began experimenting with easy outdoors excursions and has become a staple of local newspaper and television shows – that guy in a wheelchair who won’t believe in limits. He’s also been featured in national news on the CBS “Early Show”, ABC’s “World News with Charles Gibson” and the Hallmark Channel.

On August 24, 2007 Coomber became the first person in a wheelchair to summit California’s third highest peak, 14,246’ White Mountain. He is also the first in a wheelchair to summit two local favorites, Mt. Diablo and its companion, North Peak, as well as Mission Peak in Fremont.

He has been very involved with the East Bay Regional Park District serving as a volunteer ambassador and as an appointed member of the Park Advisory Committee. “A day in our Regional Parks provides a chance to get close to nature, encourage exercise and enable all who venture onto a trail to take in a thousand wonders. I hope to see a lot of people take advantage of the amazing trails and sights and sounds of each of our Regional Parks,” says Coomber.

Coomber was inducted into the California Outdoors Hall of Fame in January, 2007. He was one of only 27 Americans to receive the President’s Council on Physical Fitness Community Leadership Award in 2008. In October of 2010, Bob plans to summit Africa’s highest peak, Kilimanjaro, and be the first unassisted wheelchair to make the journey. The trip will also serve to distribute 200 wheelchairs in Arusha, Tanzania, in partnership with The Wheelchair Foundation of Danville.

SOURCE: East Bay Regional Park District