
friends_together_large“Rotary, together with the Wheelchair Foundation, brings ordinary people together to accomplish extraordinary things.”

-Rotarian Al Fedoriak

Rotary District 5010, in conjuntion with Wheelchair Foundation Canada, sponsored 280 wheelchairs that were distributed in Rosarito, Mexico, on July 9 to July 11. Like many such Rotary-sponsored distributions, this was a district-wide effort, with 34 clubs involved.

“The Wheelchair Foundation is one of the best humanitarian programs I have ever encountered,” said Al Fedoriak, a member of Canada’s White Horse Rendezvous Club. “The Foundation helps people in an immediate way. When you give someone a wheelchair, you change their life right away.”

Fedoriak’s first contact with the Wheelchair Foundation came during an International Rotary Conference in Spain. At the time he was District 5010’s incoming District Governor, so he decided to not only sponsor wheelchairs himself, but also spread the word throughout his district.

“It was a simple concept,” said Fedoriak. “I asked each club in the district to donate $500 toward the goal of sponsoring a full container of wheelchairs.” The money was quickly raised. The 280 wheelchairs were purchased with the help of the Wheelchair Foundation’s matching funds, and Rotary members in Rosarito were recruited to help with the distribution.

“As we distributed the wheelchairs,” said Fedoriak, “it was very apparent that a wheelchair not only impacts the person who is a recipient, it also impacts the family and friends of the recipient.

“This new independence allows greater freedom for providers. Many of these people were totally dependent on others for their personal transportation, while others would get from point ‘a’ to point ‘b’ by crawling on the ground.

“Now,” said Fedoriak, “with their wheelchairs, they are mobile with considerable independence.

“I feel that I will always be a supporter of the Wheelchair Foundation. I look forward to participating in other distributions in the future.

“The world is very fortunate to have people with the generosity and the compassion that is illustrated by (founder) Ken Behring through the Wheelchair Foundation.”

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