Behring Family in Africa

Behring Family in AfricaDear Friends,

In these uncertain and frightening times, we hope and pray that this message finds you and your families safe and healthy.  Wheelchair Foundation’s offices are closed in alignment with local, State, and Federal guidelines during the Covid-19 crisis.   Our employees are still available to answer your questions and your emails, as well as process donations, manage logistics and, along with our global volunteers and partners, make sure that our wheelchairs are still getting delivered domestically and in countries across the globe.

“Shelter in Place” and “Social Distancing” have become part of our shared 2020 experience.  While the necessity for our social isolation will hopefully dissipate within the next few months, we know that social isolation is a way of life for many physically disabled people throughout the world.  Unable to move about at their own free will, or able to do so with difficulty, and a feeling of being trapped within their environment, the plight of some of the world’s disabled begins to seem familiar.

Our primary mission over the last two decades has been providing wheelchairs to those without access to them, and to create awareness about the needs and abilities of people with physical disabilities.  My father, Ken Behring – Founder of Wheelchair Foundation, worked tirelessly to promote global friendship.  Now, more than ever, we need the world’s scientists, doctors, health experts, and political leaders to work together in friendship to find solutions.

Please stay safe and be healthy!  While we all isolate, social distance, and shelter in place, take a moment to remember those who live lives in isolation every day.  Thank you for your continuing support.




David E. Behring

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