
Walking, a natural capability of most people, is becoming an unrealized hope for those with disabled legs. For many years, I was unable to use my arms while walking because I was dependent upon two canes. This made me uncomfortable and caused me embarrassment while walking with other people, who are at a loss about how to help.

A red wheelchair, as a special birthday gift, came into my life in May, 2006. At first, I was bashful and was not used to sitting in the wheelchair while being pushed by my husband. But then I was wild with a joy that I have never felt – I can shop with my husband on city streets and shopping malls while sitting in the wheelchair, I can do everything more efficiently, and I am not worried about the danger of slipping and falling anymore.

In June, 2007, the wheelchair gave me an unprecedented and unforgettable experience as I sat in the wheelchair and rolled onto the Liaoning Theater’s stage to participate in the performance of the closing song at a televised charity event.

In January, 2008, I was honored to be a deputy to the Provincial People’s Congress. Sitting in the red wheelchair, I attended the 11th Liaoning Provincial People’s Congress and was the only disabled deputy. This fact received major attention from the media. I also received much goodwill from others attending.

In August, 2008, sitting in the wheelchair, I traveled to Beijing by train to the Olympics Center and the Beijing National Stadium to watch the Paralympics Games with friends from all over the world. This fantastic experience will forever be my most precious memory!

In my regular life, I do housework in my wheelchair and walk my beloved dog in the morning. My dog pulls the wheelchair along as he runs!

1 reply
  1. Chris
    Chris says:

    Thank you sharing your experience. Its glad to learn about your experiences and how your new “red” wheelchair made a tremendous change in your life. We have written articles that will help people select the appropriate provider and wheelchair.


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