
2Container_300On Thursday, the 30th of December 2004, Rotary in Action Distract 9250 unloaded a Container filled with 287 Wheelchairs destined for three Pretoria Rotary Clubs. The wheelchairs were for a distribution among needy recipients in South Africa. After a long journey, these wheelchairs are being given to people whose lives will be changed by being grated the gift of mobility.

115 replies
  1. Armour
    Armour says:

    Good day

    I have a wheelchair from the Wheelchair Foundation. I’m in need of fold away feet rests for the wheelchair.

    Will you be able to assist?


    Armour Koekemoer

  2. Noah Mosime
    Noah Mosime says:

    Good Evening. I am having a physically diabled student who really need a wheelchair. How can he be assisted in order for him to attend classes regularly?

  3. Amanda
    Amanda says:

    Hi my name is Amanda I have a 12 year son who suffers from Duchennes mustular dystrophy, his muscles are very week and he is in need of power chair/ electronic wheelchair, can you please assist so that he can be able to move around, go to school, and enjoy his childhood like other kids do.
    Thank you.

  4. Alishs barthis
    Alishs barthis says:

    Husband leg amputated both unemployed have the will to continue with his upholesty please help their needed fir 6 to oil months only plse 0840242431for more info

  5. LouisTheron
    LouisTheron says:

    I suffer from asbestosis & have lost 70 to 80 % of my lung function & have ery limited mobility.
    I am a state pensioner so I am unable to buy a mobility scooter.
    My quality of life would be greatly enhanced if I had one.

  6. Mbulelo Raymond Fihla
    Mbulelo Raymond Fihla says:

    Good Morning

    I am the Treasurer General of the South African National Military Veterans Association (SANMVA). I am currently involved in raising funds for the purchase of wheelchairs for disabled military veterans. I currently have some new battery powered wheelchairs but are smaller and therefore not suitable for the patients I have. Any possibility of exchanges for wheelchairs?

    • elzaan
      elzaan says:

      Kindly contact me with regards to a disabled veteran we are helping pro bono from the law society of South Africa in order to see if we can help him receive a powered wheelchair and if you will be able to please assist and in doing so what are the requirements for the military veteran to qualify for such a wheelchair. Kind regards el****@pe*************.za

      • dcox
        dcox says:

        Hello and thank you for your inquiry. Wheelchair Foundation does not provide individual or powered wheelchairs outside of the united states.

  7. Brennen
    Brennen says:

    Good Day. I am have a mom in-law (74years) who really needs a wheelchair. How can she be assisted in order for her to get one chair

      • Charlotte Zitha
        Charlotte Zitha says:

        I am a community member and I do outridge projects.Have identified 3 children’s in need of wheelchairs.

        They can’t walk since from birth.my wish is to see them bringing back their dignity and each to get wheelchair.

        My number is:0733252514/0719118546



  8. Christa Pendlebury
    Christa Pendlebury says:

    Good afternoon I have sent my request to please donate me a mobile wheelchair or a wheelchair
    I have added all my disability x ray for my neck and back please assist me to be more mobile please thank you

  9. Thembakazi
    Thembakazi says:

    Good day i have a volunteer in the early childhood centre that i work she’s in need of a wheelchair the one she’s using is old and it’s not comfortable anymore and it doesn’t have bracks which makes it not safe your help will much appreciated.

  10. Garth Brookman
    Garth Brookman says:

    Hi. I had to use a wheel chair after I had a brain tumor but I don’t need it anymore and would like to donate it to someone in need of it. I’m in Cape Town and ideally would prefer if it could be collected. It is in a brand new state and It’s foldable.

    • dcox
      dcox says:

      Hello, We are unable to accept donations of used durable medical equipment. Mostly for liability reasons here in the United States, but due to power compatibility and service issues overseas, typically there are no parts or ability to get anything serviced in the developing world.

  11. Mymoena
    Mymoena says:

    Good day

    I’m looking for a wheelchair for
    my disable mom that had 6strokes already I’m desperate need of one, I’ve been carrying her from the room to dinning room, I’m asthmatic as well. I’ve tried every where I don’t hv money to buy one.i don’t have any siblings to help me out I’m her only daughter.

    I thank you very much
    From a really desperate daughter

    • dcox
      dcox says:

      We are unable to accept donations of used durable medical equipment. Mostly for liability reasons here in the United States, but due to power compatibility and service issues overseas, typically there are no parts or ability to get anything serviced in the developing world.

  12. Moeketsi Joseph sesedinyane
    Moeketsi Joseph sesedinyane says:

    I am the Bishop of the sion church which is the poorest church in our country and we have build a shack to have our church service in on Sunday.most if the members are unemployed.and we have manage to register it and the creche.near nearer to us there are 5 people who need the wheel chairs.without not marking any demand we are asking you to donate with the wheel chairs.hoping and trusting that our request will be taken into consideration.uiu are our strong pillar we appreciate your concern.

  13. Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Good day our organization is in need of a wheel chair for a person who is disabled he cannot walk been trying to get one for the past year and absolutely no help I’ve got the person is literally hurting himself by crawling on the floor he’s knees is bruised can anyone please help will really appreciate it alot God bless contact details 0793976410 whatsapp and phone number

  14. Lerato Sekulisa
    Lerato Sekulisa says:

    I would like to send my request to you to help find the wheelchair for a boy in our community who was without legs n who was hit by a car recently. His wheelchair is in bad condition and he’s very active because he likes to play tennis and he doesn’t have the resources to meet his disability.

    Please help!!!

  15. Zaakira Jackson
    Zaakira Jackson says:

    Hi I’m in need 9f a wheelchair for my 13 year old daughter if you have my number is 0626152591 an I’m from pietermarizburg kzn thank you

  16. Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    We have a heavy duty wheelchair to donate.
    Please contact me on 0659680464.
    Only used on a few occassions.

    • dcox
      dcox says:

      We are unable to accept donations of used durable medical equipment. Mostly for liability reasons here in the United States, but due to power compatibility and service issues overseas, typically there are no parts or ability to get anything serviced in the developing world.

  17. Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Good morning
    Desperate,my mother she s 72 years can’t walk,I’m unemployed,please assist of donating mobile wheelchair,the situation is very bad,thanks in advance


  18. Lucky Motimele
    Lucky Motimele says:

    Good day,could you please assist my disable mother with mobile wheelchair,she can’t walk, situation it’s bad,I’m not working .

  19. Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Hi my child was involved in a car accident , so he is amputated both legs . He needs a wheechair the one we gots at the hospital is old now will you please help

  20. Richard
    Richard says:

    Hi I have a brother in Zimbabwe mashona land central province MOUNT DARWIN MUTSAUNOBAYA VILLAGE who suffered a stroke and needs a wheelchair chair ELECTRICAL PREFERABLY

  21. Sandra
    Sandra says:

    Hello Good Day
    I am a private Home-Base Care Giver.
    I am in atmost desperate need of a wheelchair for a person in her late 60s of age.
    I’m staying in the Wynberg area western cape southern be suburbs
    I thank you sincerely in advance

  22. Sindi
    Sindi says:

    Hi ,I’m desparetly in need of a heavy weight wheelchair for my mom she is 70 yrs of age ,she has arthritis, she can’t walk we are using office chair to push her to go to the bathroom or around the house it’s really straining me bcs now I have a bag problem.

    Kindly assist me

    Thank you
    Sincerely in advance
    Sindi Malgas

  23. Elisabeth Fourie Armstrong
    Elisabeth Fourie Armstrong says:

    Hi I’m looking for a wheelchair for my son in law due to illness he is too weak to walk we don’t have medical aid and low income

  24. Daisy
    Daisy says:

    Please help me with a wheel chair for a cerebral palsy son with 7 years. He can’t seat in his own. Im desperately in need of it with head balance

  25. Carol du Toit
    Carol du Toit says:

    We have an eldery man with one leg, walking on crutchers, long distances, we request a Donation for a wheel-chair for him please. He does not have any funds or financial support and is sleeping by Safe Space, Cape Town. If anyone can assist, please email: gi*******@gm***.com Carol du Toit Thank you

  26. Lucinda
    Lucinda says:

    Good day
    I have a 3 year old son who has CP in need of a chair to help move him around that will also support position his body. Because he is havy to carry around all the time.

    Please can you help me.

  27. Ashley
    Ashley says:

    Im from a small location in Mmabatho in the North West Province, I have a very deep passion for taking care of the needy, in my Province I see a lot of people using worn out wheelchair with no help from the Government.

    Is your Organization able to train a few community members on how to fix/service a wheelchair ?

    067 416 9062

    • dcox
      dcox says:

      We are unable to accept donations of used durable medical equipment. Mostly for liability reasons here in the United States, but due to power compatibility and service issues over seas, typically there are no parts or ability to get anything serviced in the developing world.

    • dcox
      dcox says:

      Wheelchair Foundation provides standard, manual wheelchairs to individuals at no cost. We do not have access to or distribute electric wheelchairs or scooters. If a manual wheelchair will help in your situation, please send an email with your contact information to in**@wh******************.org and someone from our team will assist you from there. Thank you, Wheelchair Foundation.

  28. Tsephi Lebotse
    Tsephi Lebotse says:

    Good i need wheelchair for my Ungle is a pensioner He is at hospital now we must buy Wheelchair for him to be discharged. he is staying in Tembisa.

  29. Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Good day
    I’m looking for a wheelchair for my aunt’s cousin at Alexander they can’t take her to hospital for checkups and the taxi fair are expensive so please help me if there’s any help you can’t contact my aunt her name is Makie0765369175

  30. Fanisa Manthosi
    Fanisa Manthosi says:

    Hi my name is Fanisa and I am in need of a wheelchair for my uncle who suffered a stroke that paralised his right arm and leg asnd left him mute as well . Please help us help him because his mobility is restricted, he is heavy to carry and move him around and it becomes a problem when we have to take him for check ups at the hospital. I am from Limpopo and you can connect with me on this number : 0769561928
    Thank you.

  31. Caroline
    Caroline says:

    A Gogo came in with a boy on her back. His name is Thato and he is 5 years old. He cannot walk or sit. The family is currently not receiving any help for Thato. He appears to have cerebral palsy.

    I am desperately trying to help this boy with a wheelchair. Please can you assist?

  32. Mark
    Mark says:

    There is a gent sitting outside our supermarket who move on pieces of tyre attached to his knees. Is there a a possibility of to help find him a wheelchair, even a old one which we can repair. We are bases on the lower KZN south of coast.
    Thank you.

  33. Tintswalo Lucia Maswanganyi
    Tintswalo Lucia Maswanganyi says:

    Hello my mom can no longer walk by her self she only Croll to go to the toilet please is there any way I can get help with a wheelchair for her I’m baised in Limpopo

  34. Chriszelda Williams
    Chriszelda Williams says:


    Hi good day me beautiful people hope you all are well and safe…my people I’m really in need of your help.

    My father is 77 year old and a few months ago he was diagnosed with cancer and he’s not mobile anymore because his legs and feet is severely damaged because of the cancer spread he can’t walk at all so for my mother who is also a pensioner in her 60s it’s quite difficult to assist him to the toilet without a wheelchair.

    One of our neighbors borrowed him a wheelchair for a month or two and it was quite helpful for mother and easy to assist him to use the toilet facilities but yesterday the neighbor came to fetch the wheelchair and now we are back to square one with struggling to assist him and the hospital can’t help with a wheelchair because they don’t have stock.

    So I just want to ask the community if any of you maybe know of someone with a wheelchair who is just laying or standing around to help my father out with because financially we can’t afford to buy one and if someone maybe can also donate one for him your help and assistant will be highly appreciated.

    I hope someone can find it in their hearts to help him because it not easy to see him struggle like this.

    And for those people who always have something bad to say on other people’s post please if you don’t have something positive to comment please don’t….

    And for those who will really like to help I just want to Thank you in advance and thank you for taking your time to read my post and I hope you all have a blessed day and be safe God bless….

  35. Hazel
    Hazel says:

    Hi I’ve got mom who is 78 years and unable to walk. Her legs changed direction. I am requesting a wheelchair for her. We are using a chair to push her.


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