
Well, another very busy day for us on the ground in Ft. Lauderdale.  We are preparing for our 2nd flight to Port-au-Prince tomorrow.  I have been on the phone all day confirming the names and required paperwork for all the new doctors and nurses we are taking to Haiti tomorrow along with some people working for “Clean water for Haiti” and two missionaries.

Every seat on the plane is full, with people both going to Haiti and returning back home to resupply. We have filled our cargo compartments with more much needed medical supplies, donated by Medshare and SEIU.

Jeff Behring also called me today and said they have desperate needs for basics, such as children’s vitamins, aspirin, eye drops, etc., so the crew of the aircraft, Captain Phil VanderWilt, Carol VanderWilt, Tim Hablitzel and myself all went out and bought all that we could fit into the trunk of our car to bring down with us tomorrow.

We are also bringing the military personnel on the ground at the airport 20 more pizzas, soda and ice!  Wish us luck and we will be home tomorrow night!  The photo’s are of the crew loading the plane with medical supplies at the Ft. Lauderdale airport.

Charli Butterfield

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