Surprise Your Mom This Mother's Day
Millions of loving mothers worldwide must face each day without the simple freedom of mobility. These daughters, sisters, and wives must fulfill their roles as mothers from their hands and knees, often times on dirt floors. What greater gift from one mother to another than providing a woman in need with mobility!
As Mother’s Day approaches this year, we offer a tribute to your mom that is more significant than flowers or candy. Celebrate your mom, or loved one, by donating one ore more wheelchairs in her name to help less fortunate women around the world. Your gift of mobility will be received with heartfelt appreciation and remembered throughout the year. You will also be giving hope to a wheelchair recipient and her entire family.
“Your gift of a wheelchair has restored my dignity. For my daughter to see me receive this gift, and for her to understand that her mother no longer has to crawl about our house and community anymore, has given her pride and relief. Thank you! ” – Celia from South America.
“With a wheelchair I am viewed as a ‘whole person,’ capable of doing, of being someone. For my children and me, this wheelchair is a gift, of a better day, a better week and a better life.” – Adia from Mali.