
Ability Awareness Lesson Plans

Mexico - 2009

Mexico – 2009

As part of the From the Heart – Schools Project teachers at all schools will have access to the Ability Awareness Program (AAP), developed by San Ramon Valley Unified School District. The AAP is an interactive hands-on curriculum designed for each grade span that allows students to learn and understand the challenges and frustrations that they and others encounter. Experiencing these challenges both physically and emotionally highlights the coping mechanisms that one may create to get through an ordinary task. Acknowledging that all people have different areas of expertise and areas of challenge helps create a safer social environment. This program is meant to be fun, attention-getting and presented with lots of energy.

The AAP curriculum consists of 20 minute lesson plans designed for each grade or grade span. There are several different lesson plans to be used over a four week period. In addition, there are a lot of supporting materials. These include an extensive bibliography by grade span of books about the disability experience. Additional Appendices include Supportive Activities, Ability Awareness Supplies Inventory and Fact Sheets describing various disabilities. Some of the lesson plans require a small amount of supplies and it is suggested that the PTA be asked to provide these at an average cost of $150.

The AAP can be accessed here:

Ability Awareness Program – Middle School (srvusd.net)

Ability Awareness Program – Elementary (srvusd.net)